Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Two-fer Tuesday

Mom says both of us could be a little slimmer, so she will join me in "slimming down." I guess that means she won't be eating a whole bag of potato chips anytime soon. (She ate them because she was so nervous during the game. I don't need to tell you which game. It's the one that completely let us both down.) We're also going to get more exercise. She'll be on the inside moving sidewalk, and I'll be chasing the infamous Red Dot.

Two of us eating less.
Two of us getting more exercise.

Lucky me.



  1. Good luck to you and your mom, Millie. You may not want to eat less or exercise more, but it's important to maintain a healthy weight so that you don't become ill!

  2. Maybe you should make it a cat blogosphere challenge - for all the beans and cats dat need to slim down . To be ready for the swimsuit season.

    Fank you for the super award. I did last weeks meme last week!! I will be up to date soon.

    sorry your team let you down. Now you knows how kiwis feel. 2007 was a sad year on the sports fields of the world, for us.

  3. LOL. Mom was laughing when she read about slimming down. And now she wants me (Madness) also to slim down! Thanks a lot. And she laughs and calls me porky. I don't think that is very nice.
    ~ Madness

  4. Boy, HeBean wasn't happy either about the game either. He says he's rooting for Jacksonville next season.

    You Mom could make her own chips, maybe that would be a good compromise?

  5. Hello there Millie. I hear ya on the whole exercise thing...diet food crap...blah blah blah. I am a little sick of it all to tell you the truth. I am even getting less Temptations than Goldie and then he inhales his lot and tries to steal mine. Where is the respect?


  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    This must be the time of year for Moms to think about diets and exercise. Mom has been talking about her and Lucy going on a diet but she doesn't have any plans yet.

    I am really sorry about your Pats not winning, we all thought that they would. What a shocker!

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Millie, now you've got Mom thinking we could do with less Temptations. Gee, thanks.

  8. I hear it is easier to lose weight when you have a diet buddy, Millie. Maybe your mommy just needs your extra support!

  9. I don't like talks about diets! It puts the beans in a bad mood ;0
    Purrs Mickey

  10. Dad is suppose to be changing his eating habits...he's been "suppose" to do it fur da last 10 years...Thanks fur da award, we haf to get mom off her big butt and get some stuff done.

  11. I won't even tattle on how many chocolate kisses the LL ate today. That game really upset her too!


  12. Yah, me and my Mum should join you but I'm not sure if either of us have the oomph to do it : )

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Mom says exercise is important yet I'm not listening.

  14. I'm a'posed ta play more too. I find it really gets in the way of my nap schedule.

  15. Even though I'm mad at her about it, it's a good thing my mom is still out of town or your post would give her ideas!

    By the way, Millie, we are just crazy about our Gizzy quilt ... and did I tell you that it's magic? Callie and I don't even like to get near each other, but we cuddle up together on our Gizzy and she washes my ears! Magic, I tell you!!


  16. Anonymous10:28 PM

    DKM is making me diet with her also... stoopid DKM.

  17. Guy could use a moving sidewalk he is a bit of a chunky monkey.
