Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Marty is Top Cat!

Marty is Top Cat at the Mount Washington Observatory. Read about it here! Concatulations, Marty! May you have a long and wonderful career!


  1. Congratulations to Marty! We hope he has a terrific career as the Top Cat! :)

  2. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I'm sure the other two will come out winners too and find great homes. Everycat deserves a warm, loving home.

  3. I hope Marty has fun being the Top Cat, and I hope he stays warm!

    Meowm and I will say some purrayers for Wilson and Sarah to find loving homes!

  4. Hooray for Marty! I voted for him, too.

  5. good for Marty. I thought he would be the best cat for the job. Glad he won.

  6. KC said...
    O, Millie, how exciting. Didn't realize you live by tha Mount Washington Observatory. Wow. Did you ever meet Din? Are you going to go meet Marty? Wouldn't that be grrreat!
    Fank you for all tha great work on keeping this story going. I saw it on CNN back in late December and never saw anyfing else about it.
    Fank goodness fur tha Cat Blogosphere, we's gotted reepurrters everywhere. Hee hee.
    Love & purrs, KC

  7. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Congratulations Marty :)

  8. Anonymous3:52 PM

    What a great looking kitty and we really enjoyed the story too. :)

  9. We voted for Marty. We are glad he won.

    Roxy & Lucky

  10. How wonderful! Congratulations!

  11. Thanks for updating us, Millie. We will be looking forward to you telling us which cat was actually picked to live there.

    Stop by. We have something for you.

    jans funny farm

  12. Marty won,yay!!!Just because he is another Black cat is a coincidence,heehee
    Purrs Mickey

  13. We are happy for Marty, and hope the other 2 kitties have also found forever homes. Have a happy day.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  14. Hooray! He was my pick!
