Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Guys Named Pat Win Again!

You all know that I am a fan of the Guys Named Pat, the New England Patriots.

They won again last night, and are still undefeated.

Go Patriots!


  1. I'm only saying concats because you're my tuxie girl. I am not sulking.

  2. I do not knowz whos dez patriots are... but, i'm glad you're happy and they are 'undefeated' as you say... does that mean, they have no feeties?

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    We ain't real sure who them pats are but we think they make mommy happy...they make mommy happy 'cause they make some man named Joe Perry happy. He sings a bunch of songs with some man named Steven Tyler. Mommy thinks they both is the hotness. We thinks she is crazy.
    Very truly yours,
    The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

  4. Oh, Millie ... Big match-up next weekend when my Chargers play your guys named Pat.

    An' "YAY" for Mao being found!

