Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Tail, Toes & Tongue

Mom can't figure out why I stick my leg up in the air like this (and keep it there) while I lean over and wash my tail. What a silly question. If she had a tail, she'd know why!


  1. We do that too. We tell mum it helps us to balance.

  2. I...er...durh...

    Tail nice!

    Calm down, big fella...

  3. Very cute Millie. :) Your toes, tongue and tail are adorable. :)

  4. Hey sweettuxiegirl, I tagged you for a meme, stop by for the rules!

  5. That's a great picture. And duh to your mom on the tail thing. Silly Beans!!

    -Jasper McKitten-Cat

  6. Yeah, if da beans haded tails dey would know why! 'Cept ders wood prolly be dirty alla time cuz dey is not good at licking demselves.

  7. Where else would I put it?

    We think people look awful strange drinking tea/coffee with their pinky finger sticking out. How does that help them balance?

    Jan's Funny Farm

  8. Da beans jus don't preciate da fine art of washin.

  9. I'm having less patients for stupid bean "wonderings". I mean, if they'd just THINK about it they'd know why.


  10. Yep, the back leg must stick up in the air just like that.

  11. Anonymous12:50 PM

    It is a kitty rule that the leg must be up when grooming. We all do that too!

  12. ha ha ha I totally agree, the leg must be up during tail grooming. ha ha ha

    I did notice how much our little guy looks like you. We hope we found him a home with Nellie in PA, but if that doesn't work out, and your mommy thinks you'd like a brother....

  13. LOL ay Monty Q,hahahaha!!
    Yeah,the beans need a tail to understand.
    Nice tongue too ;)

  14. Anonymous7:13 PM

    *GIGGLE*! What an adorable washing position! And yes, you're right -- the beans have no idea what it's like to have tails. It makes things very different when you have one vs. when you don't! *smile* And you have such a cute tongue!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
