Sunday, November 04, 2007

Last Stop on the Road Trip

We are visiting Tara and Kavan today. They have a lovely yard. I got to watch hummingbirds and climb the tree. We will also visit Miss Peach, who has organized hot air balloon rides for all of us. We also had a terrific visit with DKM & the fluffies... that massage was just what I needed to renew my spirits. That barbeque with Michael, well, I've never had such fabulous food! I'm impressed!

This has been the most incredible week of my life. I have had so much fun with my friends, and seen so many new places, and tried new foods. It has been magical, the I cannot thank my friends enough for their generous hospitality!

But as you all know, I am homesick. My dear Monty Q has organized a train to bring us back home. It is a really fast train. We will put the big red bus on it, and bring all the cats back home. In Florida, we will put the cars on the train, and head back to the cold Northeast. We will spend Monday speeding across the country, and I will be home sometime on Tuesday!

But you know what Monty Q did just for me? He made sure the train had a GIGANTIC wide screen plasma TV so Roxy, Lucky and I could watch The Big Game today between The Guys Named Pat and those horseshoe guys, even though the Guys Named Pat are not Monty's favorite team.

Now that's love!


  1. We love your website and read the whole thing and all the quilt pages over the weekend.

  2. Oh Millie!! You are so lucky Monty Q is the tops! Wow, we'll be home in a flash!!
    Your FL furiends,

  3. We is a bit homesick too, so we can't wait to get home on Tuesday eifur!

  4. Willow and I are also ready to go back home - but it was the greatest trip ever! I also just saw that your Guys Named Pat have won that Big Game! Hooray for the Pats!

    Purrrrrs, China Cat

  5. That is a really nice train Monty got!!We are gonna have a fun ride home.WooHoo!!

  6. They're my other favorite team as long as they aren't playin' the Steelers. :D

  7. yup those pats are are faviort team too you know whtat elsee they still undefted

    Lilly Lu

    Ps mu shue said even after a wash his grizzy it still smells like girl cat maybe becuse me and iris sleep on it when he not look

