Friday, November 16, 2007

Formerly Feral Friday

Here I am pestering Mom. She was trying to cut this fabric for a Gizzy quilt, but I want her to pet me. Now that I am the Only Cat, things have changed, and I want to tell you all about it.

Gizzy used to wake Mom up in the morning. I don't. I sleep on my nifty bed on the blue recliner, just outside Mom's room. When I hear the squawk box go off, I go jump on her bed so she can pet me. She usually hits the squawk box to make it be quiet, then she gives me scritches. She is under the blankets, so I don't have to worry she will try to pick me up. I move all around so she can give me all the scritches I want wherever I want them. Sometimes I will flop down on the bed and lean up against her, but she can't get me, so it's OK. Sometimes I even lean on her, and once I even lay down on her belly. But I didn't stay long. I do not sleep on her bed at night. I only sleep on her bed during the day when she is gone.

When she gets up, she turns on the computer and then goes to the litterbox room. After that she gets my food ready. Then she gets in the rainbox. I don't hang around waiting, like Gizzy did.

I occasionally jump up onto the counter while she makes her lunch and gets her breakfast ready. Sometimes I meow to let her know I want more scritches.

Sometimes I get on the table while she eats breakfast. But I don't drink her milk, the way Jasmine used to.

When she leaves for day hunting, I am usually in my favorite spot in the cat hammock, watching as she gets in the metal macheen and goes away.

Gizzy used to know when she would be coming home from day hunting and wait on the back of the recliner, watching for her metal macheen to come into the driveway. Then he would meet her at the door when she came in. I don't do that. She calls me, but that just lets me know she's home. She gets the mail, turns the computer on, closes the window sticks and puts her coat away. By that time I have done my stretches. She gets my food ready, and then I have dinner.

After she makes the bubbles with the pots and pans, she goes in the sewing room. I usually make sure she gives me plenty of scritches and pets before I let her get any sewing done. Someday she'll figure out that Only Cat also means Top Cat!


  1. You've always been my Top Cat, sweet tuxie.

    ::smootchies to my sweetie::

  2. Well, yoo never used to like skritches so maybe you'll get to like sleeping on da bed when da mom is der. Speshully when it starts getting cold!

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Millie all of us kitties love our moms in different ways. It is okay that you do not do the same stuff as Gizzy or Jasmine because you are unique and special in your own way.

  4. Sounds like you is training her just the way you likes, to give all the scritches but nots to pick up!

  5. We kitties have to let our mommies know what we like. I'm the only kitty in the house that likes to be held or picked up, and Ivy likes to sleep on the bed with mommy, but Holly doesn't like to be held OR sleep on the bed. . . unless it is really, really cold. Your mommy knows you love her in your own special kitty way. =^_^=

  6. Millie, we fink that as you grow up, you will prolly get more cuddly. efen if you don't fink it will happen now, it ushually does. Norton was nefur really cuddly until he gotted older, and then he loved to cuddle. He hated to be held his whole life though. So did Trixie, but she would lay on anyone to get pets. But it's ok that you doesn't like to be held or do the things that Gizzy and Jasmine did. you is just being yourself.

  7. Millie, we fink that as you grow up, you will prolly get more cuddly. efen if you don't fink it will happen now, it ushually does. Norton was nefur really cuddly until he gotted older, and then he loved to cuddle. He hated to be held his whole life though. So did Trixie, but she would lay on anyone to get pets. But it's ok that you doesn't like to be held or do the things that Gizzy and Jasmine did. you is just being yourself.

  8. Anonymous12:48 PM

    You've already come such a long way. Remember when you used to hide under the dresser? We think you'll get cuddlier as you get older.

  9. Millie,

    We think your mom might need a cuddle kitty for these cold nights! Maybe if she got a little playmate for you, your new friend would cuddle with her and you would cuddle with your new friend and then everyone would benefit.

    Now, we're talking new friend here. No one can replace Monty in your life.

    Jan's Funny Farm residents

  10. We are glad you have a routine Millie. That's very important to us cats! And we are glad your mom is so generous with the scritchies!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Scritchies are good. And so is visiting Mom in bed in the morning. It's a lot of progress for you. We are all different!

  12. A day in the life of Millie,formerly known as"No Name Yet" heehee.
    It looks as if you are settling into a nice routine.You also like the scritches. I think you are enjoying life right now.It's good to have a forever home isn't it :)

  13. You might learn to like sleeping in the bed or greeting your mom. Guy recently became a lap kitty. All of a sudden he discovered how great a lap was. Go figure.

  14. Anonymous11:16 PM

    You most certainly are the top cat! I am glad that you get lots of scritches. What are you gonna do if she gets another kittycat???

  15. Darling Millie!I hope you do not think me too ungracious of a kitty for taking such a long time to return your visit. You can only imagine how happy I was to see you come cheer me on while I was so very sick. Mommy was heartbroken and thought for sure I would not regain any of my spirit and was prepared for the worst. But I was worth a small miracle. With your purrrayers and some good medicine, I have regained my strength day by day. Mommy would not have made it through her worries about me without your comfort. Each night we keep you in our prayers and wish you endless Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
    Love and hugs from our house to yours, Miss Peach and the mommy
    PS: I had such a wonderful time with you when you came to visit me with the road trippers!

  16. Sometimes ya gotta change yer routine.

    P.S. - Mommakitty is going to a BIG fabric sale tomorrow - da store is selling bolts 75% off cuz they is gittin' rid of all their fabric and selling yarn only! Mommakitty says - "wish you were here!"

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Millie, you're just learning how to love! What a long way you've come from being such a terrified little girl! I wonder how much do you talk to your mom? Popcorn used to be a feral kitty and she loves scritches, and to be kissed on the top of her head. She leans her head over as if to say "you may kiss me here". And my goodness how she talks! But she doesn't cuddle either, or allow me to pick her up.

  18. Hi twin! It's sad that you are the only cat now, but Top Cat is good in its own way. You are establishing new household habits an tradishuns all yer own! :)

