Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

My blog today is dedicated to helping save the Environment. I live in New Hampster, which has cold snowy winters, and cool autumns. Lately our summers have been getting warmer, our first frost (temp 32F or below) has been getting later (we haven't even had one yet and it is mid-October) and this year we even had a 72F day in January!

One of the ways Mom tries to help is by using canvas bags when she goes food shopping (I mean food hunting). She brings her bags with her to the grocery store. She has been doing this for 15 years. When they ask "Paper or Plastic?" Her answer is "Neither." We also recycle our cans, glass jars & paper.

What are you doing to help save our Environment?


  1. Hi Millie and Lynne,
    great post. To support the environment I fertilize the garden with my organic self made fertilizer. We don't throw any kitty litter out, cause we don't use any. Mum says this makes our weeds grow super tall but I don't care.
    Mum trys to not buy a lot of stuff with a lot of packaging, and refuses plastic bags where possible. We also recycle our paper waste, out cans and our plastic bottles (which mum trys to avoid buying as well).
    We don't use funny colour flushes in our loo, cause that sends nasties out to the fishies.
    Also I help mum, by catching the mousies and eating them!!

  2. We hired a recycling service to take our papers, cans, bottles and plastics away!

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    My mom has a few of those shopping bags but not enough, so we will tell her to buy more of them.

    We recycle our newspapers, junk mail, cans, glass and plastic. We also donate stuff we do not use anymore instead of throwing it out.

    Are there lots of hamsters in New Hamster?

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Oh, one more thing, we only do organic gardening. We use no fertilizers or weed killers.

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Mom's very big on recycling.Great Post :)

  6. My beans recycle everything they can and try to reuse stuff (like those plastic bags) too.

  7. Yay for your mom!

    We recycle plastic, cans, paper and jars too. Every little bit helps!

  8. "Use it up, wear it out, fix it up or do without." :)

  9. We recycle just about everything! Mom even composts our poops! she tries to stuff wifout pakajing and dad made our whole house lite up wif flooresent, cuz it uses less power.

  10. First, I'm very glad you're letting your mommy love on you more Millie, she needs that now.
    Great post about the environment! I use Feline Pine cat litter which mommy then either flushes (it is flushable) or puts in the garden.
    We use special twirly looking light bulbs that last a squillion years. We also use lotsa fans so we can use our a/c more efficiently.
    We recycle everything and mommy even brings stuff home from her jobbie to recycle.
    We also feed birdies, squirrels and plant native plants. We are going to take up your challenge and "go canvas" for our grocery shopping next week. Now mommy has to find some bags...

  11. We recycle, too. And try to use earth friendly dish and laundry soap. It just takes everyone doing their part!
    Your FL furiends,

  12. That's great! Our beans use canvas grocery bags too! And we're a 2-Prius household, and sometimes momma hangs da laundry outside to dry, and we use linen napkins, and momma saves water from da shower to water plants, and we recycles lots of stuff! Momma says we're green...but we don't look green - hehehehe!

  13. Well, as kitties we don'ts do alot. But Momma says she is savings the enviroment by making our household not consume alots of things. And because she hasn't reproduced and instead is just having kitties, there is less impacts on the environmenties, cause there is less peoples (at least thats what she says). We don't care, as long as the treats keep coming.

  14. Mom says that the city has a recycle program so you have to sort refuse,papers, etc. She also uses bags she made and even has a grocery store bag.
    Good for yer Mom to think about (and take action on) the enviroment!
