Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nip Ravioli

Everybody who writes Mom about the Holiday Gizzys mentions how much their cats love the Nip Ravioli that came packed with the quilt.

Mom Robyn from Hot(M)BC made them with the leftover pieces of the quilts. Yep, Mom packaged her leftover bits and sent them down to Virginger after Mom Robyn asked for them, offering to make little nip sachets filled with her super duper catnip to go with the quilts. Then Robyn made 20 Nip Raviolis and sent them back to New Hampster so Mom could include one with each Holiday Gizzy Quilt.

Robyn was thoughtful enough to include some nip for me. Mom made a Nip Ravioli for me out of some nice Red fabric she had. As you can see, I think mine is pretty wonderful.

Thanks Mom Robyn!

If you got a Holiday Gizzy Quilt, go on over to Hot(M)BC and say thanks to Robyn!

And go visit Lisa here and you can watch a video of her cats and their quilts and their Nip Ravioli!


  1. yaahhhhooo I am first.

    Man I should have kept that quilt for me. No, I feel better that some kitties got one that wouldn't have got one. They got their present and they love it!!!

    That was really nice of Robyn. Aren't kitties and their famblyies good people!!

  2. MomBean says I can't come over until later, she thinks I might be too frisky at the moment. Really, you randomly bunnykick ONE stuffed duck...

  3. Hey, mom makes doze wif cotton felt - hers are square tho. Maybe she shood make some round ones. She really needs to just clean out her sewing area and not worry about "da wrath of dad" (it's all his stuff in der).

  4. We're gonna go visit Robyn right now.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Nip Ravioli! I never knew there was such a thing. I want!

  6. Those Nip Raviolis look so cute!

  7. ahhh millie yous look like you love your raviolis just as much as we does!!

    Ps. We can'ts remember if tells you about the story our Momma wrote for HRH Yao-lin? Its on our bloggie, its 3 parts, buts its pretty cool and she finally finished it!

  8. Tee hee! We're glad cats are enjoying the nip raviolis! So many cats has asked for them wif our speshul primo nip, we's gonna be sellin some to earn green papers for our v-e-t bills and maybe mom-bills and stuff. Now we gotta to test some of that nip. heeeeeeehehehe

  9. Those nip raviolis look great! We want some! Millie, you look like you are enjoying your! Have a nice day!
    Your FL furiends,
