Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Meow Like a Pirate Day

Avast me hearties! An' such a fine day it is to be avasating! Dread Pirate Princess Jassie and me, Deadly Pirate Millie-onnaire are lying in wait for an unsuspecting ship to pass by. Then we will attack and rob its booty.We be lookin' for jools and gold and other fine riches. We be drinkin' Rum and otherwise havin' fun! We're gonna be runnin' about wrecking havoc all over the ocean wide.

Don't we look innocent? HA!


  1. Ahoy me hearties. Is you goin to make us walk the plank?
    Can I have a parrot? Promise I won't eat him (today anyway).

    Orrrr ARrrrr!! Have a rocking pirate day.

    Poppy the peg leg Q

  2. HA HA What great pirates you make!


  3. I wish ye both much luck in finding a ship to plunder, aye!

  4. Methinks ye must wake up before the ship passes you by! My parrot would concure, but I ate him.

  5. Arrrrrgh! Dread Pirate Princess Jassie and Deadly Pirate Millie-onnaire ,grab yer Teepee an.git ready to set sail.We be stoppin by to takes you to the celebrations! There be lots o toona joose!!

  6. Ahoy fellow pirates, ye be looking far an' long fur da ship to be best be joining da crews sailing da sea. Arr, a toast to yer scurvy selfs!

  7. arrrrrr ahoy pirate lassies!!!

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    You pirate lasses look furry innocent. No one will suspect a thing!

  9. You can attack my booty!

    Wait, that doesn't sound right...

  10. Ahoy! I like your pirate attitude! And you have great manes too!
    Captain Jack Flint a.k.a. Karl

  11. Aye n that be some fine innocent costumes ya have thar Millie n Jas. Come on along to the Pirate HQ n see what kind of booty we can skeer up. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  12. Ahoy pirates! We've been raid'n ships and collecting toona juice - we'll share.

    Moe & Mindy

  13. Arr, ye be two fine pirate wenches! Climb aboard me pirate ship and share in a tankard of grog!

  14. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I can help you rob the ship! Argh.

  15. Arrrrrr!
    and if a ship don't come by grab an ankle!
    Ye be fetching wenches! Ye wanna come to my cabin for a flagon of grog?
    ----Cap'n Beezer

  16. Ahoy there we have just raided the Good Ship Lollipop and we have jools, and gold and dabloons! Would ye like to share in our plunder? Garrrr!!!!!
    Yer FL matey's,
    Lieutenant-Colonel Janie Jalibird and
    Bloody Neck Snapper Ned

  17. Hehehe looking innocent is the best way to plunder a ship, coz they never expect it!!!


  18. Doubled-decker kitties!

  19. Yer Rum hasn't bin thieved yet? Pirate Jack says lots o' th' kitty-pirates can't be findin' their rum. Seems there be a sneaky kitten rum-runnin' 'round here.

    Ye look like yer ready ta pounce on some uns'spectin' tuna boat!

    ~Persephone, Pirate Queen

  20. Aye, an ye be fine pirate lassies, the both of ye. Join a crew an' plunder the high seas fer gold an' tuna. The nip-grog's on me.

  21. Ahoy to DP Princess Jassie and DP Milli-onnaire! Too true - 'tis a fine day to be avasting! Yo ho ho an' a can o' tuna to ye!

    Aye, purrrrs, Pirate Queen China Cat an' Willow th' Wicked Warrior Pirate
