Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jasmine's 7 Random Things Meme

Hi everybody! Thanks for all the nice thoughts and purrs. I really appreciate it. I'm still taking that yukky anti-biotiks medicine twice a day. I am very tired of it, and I've stopped being nice when Mom drags me out from under the bed to jam it down my throat. I think I must be getting better because the litter box doesn't seem so painful...

Anyway, back to the matter at hand (I mean paw). Here are 7 Random Facts about Me.

  1. I love tuna, and tuna juice. The little pest doesn't, so I don't have to share!
  2. I love milk, and test Mom's every morning.
  3. I love yogurt, vanilla mostly.
  4. I love to lick the salt and cheese from potato chips and Doritos.
  5. I can run and jump every bit as fast as the little pest. Boy, is she surprised when I show her!
  6. I am shy. If you came to visit, you'd never know I lived here.
  7. When I'm in Mom's lap and she's petting me, I often make biscuits.


  1. Jasmine, I hope you are all better soon! Sending healing purrs your way. I love milk too, and I lick a bit out of the bottom of my humans' cereal bowls when they are done.

  2. Oh, Babybean and KidBean love yogurt too, I bet they'd share with you.

    (Now about this peeing on my girl's tent...)

  3. Sorry you haven't been feeling well Jasmine. Those antibiotics are nasty, but they do make you feel better!

    I like yogurt too!


  4. I like milk, but I gotta sneak it from Bean because she won't let me have any. I make messes in the litter box when I have it.

  5. we is glad that the litterbox isn't as hurty as it was. aunty's biotiks taste bad and we is sorry you has to take them.

    we love toona juice too. and we always make bicuits when we snuggle wif mommy.

  6. Follow the doctor's advise and finish all you anty biotiks. They may taste bad but it sounds like they's workin'. We likes the salt on chips too and cheetoes, yummy. Midnite used to be shy too but she's getting better. We hope you are feeling better soon.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  7. Glad you are feeling somewhat better Princess Jasmine.

  8. Anonymous1:52 PM

    We sure hope you are feeling better Jasmine. Lucy is battling the same thing as you and she does not like her medicine either.

    Those were great facts about you and very funny.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Jasmine. It is ok to be a shy girl!!! You take your medicine and i am sure your mommie will let you sit in her lap.

  10. Jasmine, I am glad you are feeling at least a bit better.

    I liked your seven facts about you. I like to make biscuits too!

  11. Milk and yogurt are tasty as is toona and toona joose. Sadie is crazy about cheezy, salty snacks. We feel bad dat yoo gotta take dat icky medi-sin. Maybe if mom gave yoo some of da good tasting stuff afterwards it wood be easier...

  12. Jasmine, I know how you feel, bein' a big sis and all. I'm also shy with guests most days...and if mommy hadn't already told the whole wide world about me, No one would have ever known I existed. Hehe!

