Thursday, September 06, 2007

Jasmine and the V-e-t

Mom Lynne here. Jasmine went to the vet this morning, as you all know.

She's 14-1/2 years old, is a cancer survivor and has a tumor on her left eye. It hasn't got any worse over the last year, so that's good.

She's lost 1/2 pound in the last year. In fact, right now she weighs less than Millie! The vet didn't find anything obvious except for a heart murmur, which isn't uncommon for an older cat.

They took an x-ray, and blood and urine samples. From the x-ray we learned her heart is o-kay, which I take to mean not the greatest, but that could be due to her age. She also has a small kidney stone, but the vet said that is nothing to worry about. He said there was stuff in her stomach, urine in her bladder and her colon was not empty (how, oh how does one phrase that delicately?), so it shows that "things are moving well from one end to the other."

We'll know more when the results of the bloodwork come in tomorrow. Stay tuned.


  1. Purrs to Jasmine.I hope the news continues to be good.I hope they can help her with some new food ,or maybe she won't need anything & that would be good.
    As a 14 year old myself,I know things slow down.The Vet told me I have a touch of Arthritis at the base of my spine.(I have to take stool a softener so I don't strain).It's not fun getting old,but hang in there Jasmine.

  2. Oh, we sure hope Jasmine will get a good report.

  3. that is good news about Jasmine. I think the vet is just saying she is old. Hope she was good for the vet.

  4. The quilt is beautiful.

    I'm glad Jasmine is ok. It sounds like she has hurdles to cross, but she's making them. More power to you Jasmine. We hope the bloodwork turns out well, also.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    This sounds like good news. I hope the vet results comes out okay.

  6. so far good news!! we is purring for good blood werks!!

  7. Sounds like Jasmine is doing good for a senior catizen. Mum approves the phrase "things are moving along".

  8. Here's hoping the news is good tomorrow!

  9. hahaha, moving well from one end to the other? yups, Jasmine you is still got it going ons, even if yous an older lady kitty!


  10. We will pray for good reports from the vet!

  11. Anonymous8:27 AM

    We are happy that Jasmine is doing okay and hope she will have good news from the blood work. Bounce is 15 so mom knows all about geriatric kitties.

    We got our Dizzy for Gizzy quilts and they are beautiful and mom is taking pictures and we will post as soon as we can. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!
