Saturday, September 22, 2007


Jasmine just climbed into my nice new beautiful tent that Mom just made for me and pee'd all over the nice yellow fleece pillow and the tent itself!!!

I am upset, but MOM is really angry!

Mom even bought some nice fabric to make Jasmine a tent of her very own.



  1. Ahhh nothing like the smell of cat pee to make a tent smell of home. Naughty Jasmine, I bet you are thrilled Millie.

  2. Oh Millie, we are so sorry about the tent. We are sure Jasmine didn't do it on purpose, maybe she couldn't make it to the litter box in time!
    Your FL furiends,

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Well, out comes the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and laundry detergent!

    That's what I use to clean my kitties "accidents"....such as I'm doing right now , in fact. I'm washing our bed blanket and top sheet. We didn't get the bed covered up in time this AM, and our little Miss PEE body, Pixie, helped herself!!!!

    Buddy's Mom

  4. Well, we guess that tent is Jasmines now!! And you get an even newer one. What got into her to make her do that?

  5. Oops. We just caught up reading your blog. An infection. Poor Jas. But she still was rood peeing in your tent!

  6. Oh no that is not good. I know Jasmine is having infection problems. Hope she is better soon and your tent can be cleaned.

  7. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Uh oh. I've never pee'd anywhere but the litterbox. My Lady is lucky. I may try going elsewhere for revenge purposes one day, but I am saving it for a special occasion.

  8. o_0

    Um, Jasmine? I don't think that was a very good idea....

  9. Haves you tried teh Natures Miracle stuff? Our momma swears by it, and always has some for those times that someone brings a doggie over or if we is fostering one...cause sometimes, they can'ts helps themselves. eewwww


  10. Poor Jasmine.Getting old and being sick.That does not make things for your Mom.Sorry about your tent Millie

  11. Oh, Poor Jasmine! And poor Millie! And poor human...!
