Monday, August 27, 2007

Will You Watch the Red Moon?

This image is from astrophotography
of a lunar eclipse from 2004. The folks on the West Coast will get a full lunar eclipse in the middle of the night tonight. It might look like this: it could be lighter, it could be darker. Mom loves lunar eclipses. She's getting up early to watch it.

Information here: NASA

You snooze, you lose.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    My Lady said she will snooze. I'm sure I'll be up, though. She is so lazy.

  2. I will~!
    I have written about the eclipse, too. Let's watch the red moon together, tonight~!!!

  3. KC posted about the eclipse on the Cat Blogosphere because I am so excited about it. I love to watch them. Hopefully our clouds will clear away. Hope it looks like this photo.

  4. All of us were up and meowed at the moon!

  5. Momma and Grandpaw wuz owtside watching the moon... then the clouds moved in the way and they coodn't see! At leest they saw sum of it.
