Saturday, August 25, 2007

What's Good for the Goose is...

Hi Everybody! Jasmine here...

Earlier this week you saw this picture of Millie snoozing on my quilt.
Don't think I haven't noticed. You know they say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander..."

Yes, this is me, Jasmine, on Millie's quilt.

Mom's finally got the button up so you can buy a Raffle ticket for a Gizzy quilt of your choice of colors (plus shipping, if you live in the US). Such a deal for $5.00. (Buy one or two or three...) The raffle benefits Monty Q's Babybean, who was badly burned a couple of weeks ago, and whose medical bills are thousands and thousands of green papers.


And... today is Mrs Mr Big's birthday. Pop on over to Roxy's blog and wish her a Happy Birthday.


  1. Ohhh Jasmine - how very sneaky. You do look nice on Millies quilt. I sense there will be quilt wars at your house.

  2. Oooh, what fun! Quilt wars, indeed! Truly, you both look beautiful on each quilt!

    Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  3. You both are so pretty, you look good on both quilts.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Those are very pretty quilts.

  5. Oh quilt wars, sound like fun! You both look very beautiful on them both.
    Your FL furiends,

  6. Share and share alike...or not. We think it's only fair that if Millie sleeps on yoors dat yoo sleep on hers.

  7. It's "Trading Gizzies!" Okay so we watch too much Trading Spaces here.

  8. You can sleep on my quilt, Millie! :D

  9. Good one, Jasmine. It's only fair that if Millie sleeps on your quilt, then you should sleep on hers. I am very glad that your Mom got the button up.

  10. Zoey, you guys are too funny.
    Trading Gizzies!!Bwahaha!!
    But everycat is right,fair is fair!
