Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday, Monday

The quilt for the not-yet-born baby is all finished, and will be flying across an ocean and halfway across a continent today.It's pretty and bright. I did give it a final QA check.

It looks good to me. Big enough for a couple of cats named Cinderella and Spot. And their babybean

Mom finished this quilt on Saturday, and was looking forward to working on some other quilts and adding "the damn button" to this blog and my website on Sunday, but she said the day got away from her.

Well, that just doesn't make any sense to me. I watched her doing stuff she usually does, and she wasn't here for a lot of the day, but she came home like usual, and yakked on the phone and watched the picture box in the sewing room, and she usually does that kinda stuff.

So how the day could get away from her, I just don't understand. Oh well.


  1. Millie, that is a big blanket for a not yet born babybean. Our meowmize lets the day get away from her too sometimes...Sia

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Hey Millie, Send some good thoughts down to Mexico. Your guardian angels, Malcolm and Jillian, have a big hurricane headed towards them. They are boarding up and heading for high ground. Just thought you might want to know.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    That is a very big blanket. I would keep it for yourself if I was you.

  4. That is so pretty!!! We really enjoyed our quilt while the LL was away. She says its ready for its first washing as its covered in our hair.


  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wow that is a big Gizzy quilt! Your mom sounds like she is really busy Millie. I think that the day getting away from her is kind of like when our mom ask us where did all the time go. How would we know, she has the watch, not us.

  6. Uh oh, we is adding Malcom and julians to ours prayers. Hopes they get out of the way of the big windy thingy.

    And we adore that big scratching mat...errr, quilt...yeah, thats
    ~Napoleon,Hunter&the Girl Intruder~

  7. That is a beautiful quilt - someone is going to be very very happy!

  8. Tell your momma not to feel too bad 'bout lettin' a day get away from her ... Mom has let whole vacations get away!

    That babybean quilt sure is pretty. Mom's 'cited 'bout orderin' a Holiday Gizzy soon!


  9. Beans are weird sometimes, but at least yours makes beautiful quilts. It must make the QA job easy.

  10. Dad talks about "lost time" and mom's always saying "where did the time go" somtimes we don't unnerstand dem beans and da time thing...beans is weerd.

  11. That quilt is beautiful.

  12. As well as being fun, the wonderfully bright, interesting colors of the baby quilt will stimulate the development of the newborn's eyesight, color awareness, and focus!
