Saturday, August 18, 2007

Got Computer?

Mom fixed the computer. She left her day hunt early, came home and took the it apart. She got the dust out, then took this out:and put something else in. Then she started feeding the box one shiny circle after another.

Darn thing must have been hungry. She worked on it until it was past her bedtime. This morning things look back to normal:

She says she still has some pictures to copy over, but that shouldn't be a big deal. I think the thing that annoys her the most is she lost all the bookmarks for the cats in the blogosphere. Big whop. All she has to do is visit each one and add them back! Silly Mom!


  1. DKM said to try saving your links in Google Reader so you can access them from any computer or crackberry.

  2. DKM said to try saving your links in Google Reader so you can access them from any computer or crackberry.

  3. we agree wif Sophia - we use Spokeo for our reader - but if you still want a blog roll, the cat blogsphere has one, or you could go to and sign up, and then take the .opml file that the cat blogsphere page has and load that in and then it won't take so much werk!

    glad you gotted your PC fixded!

  4. Oh no!!!! My mommy feels for your mommy.

    We blogroll ours from the kitty blogosphere. We want to make sure we've got everykitty linked for our reading pleasure!

    ~Donny and Marie

  5. Mom does all dat stuff and she hafs all her software disk in a fire safe file thingy. She still sez lots of bad words when dad screws something up. Mostly it's cuz he changes settings on his puter and doesn't tell her and when she tries to put it back to where he had it it's not da same and den he sez "it doesn't look right" den she sez "well, re-do yoor settings" but he duzzent remember what he did. Dad don't know what he's doing and never writes anything down so now mom just tells him "I can put your stuff back on, but, if yoo don't like the look it's your problem." Men...

  6. I didn't know computers had to be fed shiny disks. Ours must be starving since I've never seen it eat. Hmmms. I'll talk to Mom about that.
    Glad your computer is fed and happy tho. And your Mom too. Grouchy Moms are not good things.
    your bud Pepi

  7. We're really glad that your mom was able to feed that computer and make it all better!

    Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Shiny circles are one thing that I do not think I would eat. Your computer has broken tastebuds.

  9. If the computer's hungry, I say feed it!

  10. Yeah! We just got out computer back. Mommy only has to load a couple of things to get it back to where it was but now we have a backup system that works.

  11. If you need any new pictures of any tabby cats I'd be happy to help out...;)
