Thursday, August 16, 2007

Blue Screen of Death

Mom's kinda quiet about it, but her computer kept getting a bloo screen tonight. She said it was the Blue Screen Of Death.

She says the hard drive died. I didn't know hard drives were alive.

She says her weekend is wrecked. I dunno how, it hasn't even started yet.

Here's the thing: Mom's an Alpha Geek. She wrestles with computers all day when she day hunts. (No, I don't get it either, and frankly that image frightens me.) She says she can rebuild her computer with a new hard drive, because she has backed up all her important stuff. (I don't get this either. I don't see anything unusual on her back.) She's been waiting to buy a new computer when she has enough extra green papers. Now, obviously, we are posting this, so that means we have more than one computer, so it's not such a gigantic big deal, but Mom says that's not exactly how she likes to spend her free time. (Being a cat, I am completely confused about this whole concept of -spending- time. And time can be free or not?

Oh, and there are three picture boxes in this place. So if one is broken, it's not the end of the world. (Now that's another thing I prefer not to think about.)

thank goodness for small favors.


  1. Oh no, no puter, no teevee...what's she gonna do now?

  2. oh we are so sorry. I hate the blue screen of death. And also the spining beach ball of death. At least it is a good time for computer sales with cack to school

  3. I know the blooscreen! It makes HeBean say some REALLY big words, and send MomBean outside with the littleBeans.

    If you need to come over, I'l warm up the kittybed and break open a fresh bag of Temtashuns. I gots a new bag of Turkey ones!

  4. Yikes! Hopefully, next week will be lots better for your mom.

