Thursday, July 05, 2007

Same Jasmine, Different Quilt

I dunno what it is about the Holiday Gizzys, but Jasmine can't seem to get enough of them. Here is Jasmine on a -different- Holiday Gizzy than yesterday.

Mom has finished 8 of the 20 Holiday Gizzys. When she finishes them, she is replacing pictures of the quilt designs with pictures of the finished quilts on the Slide show at Bizzy for Gizzy.

Personally, I think it's just Jasmine's way of getting Mom's attention.

OOooooooh! My Secret Paws package just arrived!


  1. Jasmine, could you get any cuter? I doubt it! I nominated both of you gals for the rockin' girls blogger. Come see my blog!

  2. p.s. Tomorrows post - sorry!

  3. Jasmine sure is a good quilt model. You can just tell how wonderful those Holiday Gizzy quilts are from how she's posin' ... Pretty girlie!

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Millie, are you sure your mom didn't just photoshop a different quilt under Jasmine? It looks like she is in the exact same pose. I hope you had a very happy 4th of July.

    Tara (not the cat)

  5. Tara,

    Yeah, pretty weird, huh? Well two things: First, Mom doesn't have Photoshop. Second, check out Jasmine's back legs and tail.

    Parker, DRAT! I was gonna pick YOU!
