Monday, July 23, 2007

Muggle Monday

Here is what the flowers looked like this morning. They smell pretty too.

I don't think I'm gonna get to visit many blogs today, because Mom is still reading. And this is a No-Spoiler Zone.

Monty Q, wanna come over and keep me company again today?


  1. Sure! Let me get BabyBean settled in for her nap and I'll be over. MomBean didn't get to read yesterday at all so she's got some catching up to do.

    (She claims she saw Harry Potter at the movies yesterday. If that was the case, why didn't she just ask him what happened?)

    Do you want me to bring the nip or Temtashuns?

  2. Happy belated birthday Millies Mom,
    That sounds like a perfect day you had with your boy. What lovely flowers too. My mum loves those lilies and they come out in New Zealand at christmas time!!

    I am sure you are burning up all those calories with your book reading!! It will get you in practice for the all the blog catching up reading you will have to do.

    Best wishes

    Poppy Q

  3. Since she's still reading, does that mean you get lots of laptime? That could be good!

  4. I don't sit in Mom's lap.

  5. Anonymous12:40 PM

    No laps? Oh, Millie, you don't know what you're missing!!!!


  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Those flowers are very pretty, but Millie, you make sure you don't get any lily pollen on you - it isn't good for kitties.
    I think your mum had a really speshil birthday by the sownds of it.

  7. oh they are beautiful flowers!!! Harry potter fan in the house? My aunt human queued up on saturday at midnight to get her copy! xx

  8. hehehe, no spoilers? Well, some people live and some people die. That is all I am going to say!

  9. Hi Millie,
    Those were beautiful flowers your mother got for her birthday. It sounds like she and Mr. Kararte had a wonderful day together. My Mommy said the foods made her hungry. She said she was going to print out that entry and look up the recipes. Personally, I'll stick to my Meow Mix.
    My mommy isn't a HP fan, but she works in a library and everyone wants that book. She loves books so I get a lot of lap time. I love lap time.

  10. Happy belated birthday!

    Mom got her book on Saturday an' is readin' it in fifteen minute increments at school ... She wants to SAVOR it if at all possible.


  11. Happy Belated Birthday Millie's Mom!! Our Mom was on vacation last week and it was hard to post comments for us!!
    Those are beautiful flowers. I bet they smell pretty great, too. We think we'll wait for the movie to find out why Mom is crying over the Harry Potter book.
    Your FL furiends,
    Samantha & Tigger
