Monday, June 18, 2007

Millie's Monday

Goodness Gracious! Jasmine doesn't know anything about blogging. You're supposed to tell what's been happening and she hardly said anything about that, so here's what happened around here this past weekend:

Mom finished 3 PTU quilts and sent them off.
She cut the grass and whacked the weeds. (That was wicked noisy)
She washed about half the windows and dusted the window sticks and cleaned the windowsills.
She dragged the rug sucker all over the sewing room.
She started cutting the strips for the Holiday Gizzys.
She made a big batch of what she calls Black Bean Soup for Mr Karate because he has a cold and she wants to make sure he has good stuff to eat so he can get better. I think the stuff looks like -- well -- never mind. You don't want to know.
She did part of the washing machine shuffle. She didn't finish. I know this because I napped in the big pile of laundry all day Sunday.
Tiger got beat by an Angel (don't ask me).
Mr Karate got 'tatted.
They ate real live dead chicken last night and I didn't get any.
They say they went to see 13 Oceans, but I think somebody's prevaricating. There aren't that many oceans in the whole wide world.

Oh and I got a package from Monty Q, but Mom just found it and she won't let me open it until after she comes back from her day hunting.

So. There.


  1. A box from me?


    D'oh! Grandbean sent some things out for MomBean and I fink she might have gotten some names wrong...*gulp*

  2. Oh, oh. Grandbean made a mistake? Well, I'm sher dat if dat is da case Millie's mom will re-route it to yoo. Or maybe yoor mom sent sumfing wifout telling yoo. Our mom does stuff like dat.

  3. You guys sure had a busy weekend!

  4. You guys sure had a busy weekend!

  5. Wowy - what a busy weekend!

  6. Can we see the new tatt on Mr Karate??

    Btw, I'm finally back blogging again. :)

  7. That is a lot of work your mom did this weekend. My mom never does that much work. Even though she should!

    I want to see the tattoo!

  8. That was a busy weekend and you told all about it furry well

  9. I think the prevaricating starts when people eats way too much real live dead chicken and don't share. It's sad, really.

    Good blogging Millie! You're a pro.

  10. No sharing of the dead chicken??? AAAIIIEEE!
    That's awful...

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Is your mom and Max's mom in cahoots. His mom and dad also had chicken this weekend and he didn't get any either - is it a conspiracy against cats that I haven't heard about???

    Tara (not the cat)

  12. I have to agree that not sharing the chicken is bad. In fact, I think it might be criminal.

  13. I'm tired just *reading about all the things that have been happening at your place! Nothing too much exciting ever seems to happen here.
