Saturday, June 09, 2007

First Five Days

My first few days here in my forever home are very well documented, since I became an "internet celebrity" last year when my best bud Malcolm picked me up off the street where I had just been hit by a car, and raced to a v-e-t hospital nearby. I didn't know it then, but I was soon to be famous throughout the blogosphere because of all the cats and beans who helped Malcolm with the more than a thousand green papers needed to fix my broken leg. Malcolm couldn't keep me, but he wanted my bean owner to give me a blog so everybody could follow my story. I lived with Dan and Maggie for a few days before I made the long trip to New Hampster.

This is how I spent my first five days at my forever home:

1st day: I hid under the bottom shelf in the closet, way at the back.

2nd day: I played with my purple feather toy from under the bureau, but I never came out from under the bureau.

3rd day: I was more and more curious about what was "out there" but I was not ready to come out from my hiding spot.

4th day
: Mom tried to trick me into coming out from under the bureau. Didn't work.

5th day: I actually ventured out into the "open," but not when Mom was nearby.

6th day: Finally, I actually came out to play with Mom. I called her the "Lady" back then.

Yes, I can count, and I know 6 is more than 5, but I wanted you all to see that once I came out from under the bureau, I liked it. But to this day Mom can't hold me.

Tag 3 and tell them.

I tag Monty Q, Dobby, and Poppy Q


  1. Those pictures are very cute! You sure had an exciting first few days. My Mommie hardly took any pictures of me as a baby. I do not know why.

  2. Oh Millie, that was wonderful. You were so sweet. Wonderful way to see your first five days with pictures. Have a great weekend.
    Samantha, Tigger and Mom

  3. I'd come out for that feather too! I remember checking every day when you first came home to see if you were gonna' be OK. I am glad that you are more than OK, you are HOME!

  4. Millie yoo are such a cutie pie. It's been 6 years since Sadie came and she just recently started standing on mom's lap for pets, but don't pick her up and put her there and don't try to hold on to her.

  5. Good for you, Millie! There's lots more stuff to get into when you come out than if you just stay under things!

    Artsy Catsy

  6. Boy, I woulda been out in 2 seconds if I hadded a fev-ver toy like that!

    You was such a cutie fur baby!

  7. Since you have had your coming out, that means you are a debutaunte?

    A very special young lady.

  8. Look at how tiny you were! What a wonderful story about your first days with your momma!

    I have a contest! Stop by and make a guess!

  9. Millie you truly are darling! I love you laser beam eyes in the fifth picture. We're very happy that you found such a perfect forever home.

  10. Ahhhhhw, Millie. These pictures are just too cute.

  11. Your picture story was very sweet, and you were super duper cute as a kitten!!

  12. That is a good story! I will tell mine too! Thanks for tagging me!

  13. Anonymous2:26 AM

    I loved seeing these, too, and remembering what you looked like when you were just a scared kitty. You've come a long way, baby.
