Monday, June 04, 2007

Finally! My Own Gizzy Quilt

Here it is. Mine. All mine. I love it. I can't wait to take a nice long nap on it.

Hint, hint... Mom...

a quick update on Mom and her glasses: Mom's fine, a little bit sore, but she doesn't have any bruises on her forehead, and she's not in any pain. Nothing's broken. She stopped by the glasses v-e-t today and got her glasses fixed. I think next time there's a crack and boom storm, she's going to close all the windows before it starts raining.

Oh yeah, and Monty Q... Sure, c'mon over.


  1. Its about time. You look beautious on you pink quilt.

  2. Wow, that is a vary byootiful qwilt!!!!! Too bad yoo had to wate so long for it!

  3. WOW !! You look very beautiful on your very own qwilt!

    yur littel pal,

  4. Oh Millie, finally yoo gots yoor own kwilt. Yoo look lovely on it! Maybe now Jasmine will come up to share da kwilt wif, yeah, wishful thinking.

  5. Oh, oh, the sultry eyes! Is there room on there for me?

    *flops over*

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Millie you look so furry purrty on your Gizzy quilt. We fink pink suits you. We hope you have many many many many naps on it.

  7. Yeah Millie!! I'm so glad you have your own beautiful quilt!!


  8. Anonymous5:20 PM

    very purrty! and it looks so good with your furs! we love love love ours and sleep on 'em every day and every night.

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! we just realized that the Lady (now known as That Big Flake) forgotted to post our quilt pictures on the quilt blog!!! we're so sorry! we wanna have ours up on there too. we gotta put the bitey on her.

  10. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Millie, what a purrfectly beeyootiful quilt - such lovely colours and how pretty you look on it.

  11. Millie - It's great to see that you have perfected the Tuxie Glare!

  12. Man, I am getting excited! Your quilt is very pretty. I can't wait to see mine! Did you and Jasmine test it for me? Will I smell you?

  13. Anonymous7:53 PM

    That's a Very Beautiful quilt Millie.
    I'm so glad your mom's okay :)

  14. Wow, your quilt is very beautiful. It really shows off your furs. Glad to hear that your Mommy is okay and that they were able to fix her glasses.
