Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

How long does it take to make a Gizzy Quilt?

Bil asked how long it takes for Mom to make one Gizzy quilt from start to finish, assuming she had designed it first, had the blocks cut and the binding made. Even though that's not how Mom makes the quilts, she decided to time herself. I thought we should do a TT about it.

(click the pictures to biggify)

1. Start Time. Mom first pins the pieces together.
2. Now they are sewn, she has to press them.
3. After pressing, she has to lay them out like the design, so she can pin the pieces together to make rows.

4. Here the pieces are pinned together into rows. Now they must be sewn.
5. The rows are sewn together, now the threads must be trimmed, the pins removed and the rows pressed. Then 2 rows are pinned together for sewing.
6. The two big blocks are sewn together to make the finished quilt top.
7. Here, the top is finished, and Mom takes a photo for her records. She photographs every single quilt she makes.

8. Now the quilt sandwich is assembled, pin-basted and the excess backing is trimmed away. The quilt is machine quilted.
9. Here the quilt has been quilted, and the excess filling and backing are trimmed away.
10. Mom has attached the binding to the quilt, and joined the binding so you can't tell where it starts and where it ends. Next step is to pin the binding to the front, mitering the corners.
11. Here the binding is being sewn to the front of the quilt.
12. After the binding is sewn, the pins are removed and the threads are cut. Mom shakes out the quilt to remove excess threads, cat hair, and lets me give it the final QA check.
13. The quilt is complete. Mom photographs it and sends the picture to the cat who ordered it.And even though I don't need to tell time, you can figure out how long it takes to make a Gizzy Quilt.

By the way, today, Gizzy Quilts are flying to Montana, Washington, South Carolina and Arkansas. Two more quilts, including this pink one, are riding down to Mass with Brown.


  1. Wow, your mommy's very industrious!

  2. So, allowing fur some breaks to rub kitties and pick up knocked over stuff - less than two hours! Yoor mom is faster den ours, it took her almost two weeks to make da living room drapes!

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    we're just curious-did either of you lovely girls QA check our quilt? we hope so!

    xo-Pippin & Turtle

  4. Hi Millie! Oh I luv that Gizzy quilt! Purrrrrfectly purfect colors. I see your mousey in the last photo on the it QAing it? Hee Hee...
    Love Miss Peach >(^,^)<
    PS: Maybe someday I can get a Gizzy quilt too, if I promise not to pee on it

  5. Your Mommy has this down to a fine art! That was very interesting since my Mommy knows zero about sewing! I am glad you do the quality check. You have a very important job!

  6. Very cool! Thanks for the illustrated demonstration of how long it takes to make a Gizzy quilt! Your mom really knows how to make quilts! That pink one is beautiful, as are all of the quilts!

  7. Oh Millie, that pink Gizzy quilt is so beautiful. And two hours, that is fast. So glad you check them all out before they go their merry way.
    Samantha & Tigger

  8. That is very very cool Thursday 13 about your mommy's timing to make a gizzy quilt. The quilt is beautiful!

  9. It looks like you were doing a great job of supervisin' too. Good work

  10. Amazing! If the Lap Lady had to do something like that....well it would take her about 2 months probably. Thanks for sharing!


  11. wow! your mommy is fast! it would take our mommy a squillion days to make one - 'acuase she can't use a sewing machine.

  12. Wow, your mum works fast. And I bet that pink quilt is the one for Lilly Lu.
    And hooray! I am pretty sure the one going to Montana is the one for my cousins! I hope they like it!

  13. Yep, I would have guessed a squillion and a half hours! The little mousie looks funny on the quilt.

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    We wish our mom could sew. She tries but ends up saying words like dangit and stoopid thing and ouch!!! Dat's why we're orderin our qwiltz from Millie's mom.

  15. Mom opened my Gizzy quilt last night and I loved it! She has a few pictures she will post this weekend. She put my snuggle into brother's room, and I got the quilt. I suspect in a few days she may switch them...:-(


  16. Wow 2 hours is fast. Mommy isn't that fast doing anything! All those quilts look lovely.

  17. Your Mom is really fast. That's a beautiful quilt. I'm glad you do the quality assurance. That's an important job.

  18. Wow ... That's a lot of steps. Mom bought a rolling cutter and self-healing mat last weekend. She says that she wants to teach herself to make a quilt for her own bed. I have a feeling that you are gonna get a lot of hits on your bloggie from Mom alone while she's attemptin' to learn.

