Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Flying Quilt Wednesday

Gizzy quilts are flying all over the country as you read this, and several have landed at their new homes already. You have to check them out at the Bizzy for Gizzy Quilts blog. There are several very happy cats, which pleases me to no end, seeing as how Mom and I really work hard to make sure each cat gets a quilt that's perfect for them.

Since I have been so bad at keeping secrets lately, Mom won't tell me who this lovely green quilt is for.

I can tell you two things.

Thing One: Mom has made over 50 quilts.

Thing Two: The person that orders the 100th quilt will get it for free.

Thing Three: There will be Christymas quilts...

(HA! HA! HA! Mom, I let the cat out of the bag, now I don't have to keep that secret any more. Ha ha ha! Oh, I feel so much better.)

Monty Q! Get out of the icebox for heaven's sake! If you keep doing that I'm going to have to rent an oxygen tank to drag around at the party on Sunday!


  1. Oh no, poor Monty. He's gonna hafta lern to control dat little problem he gots hehehe. Hmm, maybe mom shood get us Krissmouse kwilts so we can lay around da liffing room and look all Krissmousy fur da hollydays.

  2. MomBean: I think I'll have to reply for the big lug, he's shouting his replies from the freezer. He'd better not have his rump on the roast in there...

  3. Well it could be worse. At least he doesn't wet himself.

  4. I like seeing where all the quilts flew off to!

  5. I like this green quilt. I see Winnie the Poop on it too, oh I mean Pooh.


  6. Are you cleaning your paw or trying to keep yourself from spilling the beans?

  7. That's a lovely quilt. I'll have to have Mommy get me one.

  8. pretty quilt. i'm starting a new blog about cats at:
    added ur link there. check it out!
    would appreciate if u reciprocate :)

  9. oh i know this one going to me it not a seecret mama told me she was getting me one to match my furrs and winnie the pooh is my faviort !! after all i named after him

    Mu shue Pooh
