We love our Gizzy. He is a cool cat. When he isn't sick, he's very curious, and he wants to know everything about everything. He used to sit on the kitchen counter (on a special blankie) and watch while Mom made dinner. He had to sniff everything (even the onions) to know what it was. If you were petting him and he wanted you to pet him someplace else, he would gently pick up your hand (with his mouth) and move it to where he wanted to be petted.
Even though Gizzy has been sick, and not eating, he waits on the back of the recliner for Mom to come back from day hunting. He sits at the window and watches for the machine she drives. Then he watches her gather her things and waits for her to walk toward the door. He waits for her every day. He tries to get out into the hallway. He is really curious about the Outside. So today, when Mom got home, she dumped her bags on the floor, picked up Gizzy and brought him Outside.
He wanted to get down. He tried to wriggle out of her arms. He wiggled around so he could see everything. Finally Mom put him down, but kept a good grip on the base of his tail!!!! He didn't object! He trotted around, climbed the big snow pile behind the house, walked in the mud (it was 55F /13C) sniffed the big trees and tried to eat some dead plants. He checked out the big dog a couple of yards over (sniffed real good in his direction). Mom said his eyes were WIDE open and his ears were twitching like crazy, moving around to catch all the sounds. He trotted along, and Mom had to do a funny kind of run to keep up, so he wouldn't get away from her. He wanted to Go, Go, Go, but of course, that couldn't happen, so after a while Mom picked him up and brought him back Inside.
After all that fresh air, you'd think he'd be ravenous for a good meal of fresh, juicy stinky goodness. He ate for about one minute before he walked away. Later he had some crunchy treats. Now he's just napping. I don't get it.
He's old, he's not eating, he spends all day napping. His blood tests showed nothing more than a cat that's getting old. He can pee and he can poop OK. He eats crunchies. He eats snacks. Does he want to go to the Bridge? We can't tell. He doesn't seem to be in pain. He doesn't limp. He doesn't object when Mom picks him up. He doesn't want to be bothered, and he GROWLS at me if I pester him (and let's face it, I pester him. I want to PLAY!) The only time he seems happy is when he is near Mom, and then he purrs nonstop. But, he hasn't been keeping himself very clean, either.
Jasmine and I have been having a contest to see which of us is going to be Alpha Cat. She wants to Win. She thinks she deserves to be Alpha Cat because she is older, bigger and bossier. True on all counts, but I want to be Alpha Cat too. So we have been fighting. Like every day. We are fighting because Gizzy is not interested in being Alpha Cat anymore.
Mom has been talking to her Mom and Sister about Another Cat. Now this is exciting on so many levels. First, I could have somebody to PLAY with. Secondly, I would probably leave Gizzy alone. Third, and according to Mom, most importantly, I'd stop fighting with Jasmine to see which of us is gonna be Alpha Cat. She thinks if I had a pal, I'd leave Jasmine alone. Which I probably would, because, you know, she's a big fuddy duddy anyway. But the BIG THING is because Mom says that Gizzy might Go, and I'd be really lonely.
Go where?
(this picture of Gizzy was taken 5 years ago, when he was 10. you can click to biggify.)
We are hoping and praying that Gizzy is ok. Maybe it's just a cold or something. Just give Gizzy all the hugs and scritches that he can take-- we'd all give them to him in person if we could!
ReplyDeleteWe're sendin' purrs and purrayers that Gizzy starts feelin' better and eatin' more soon. We're happy to hear that he got to spend some nice time outside!
ReplyDeleteWe are sending a bunch of kitty purrayers, and lots of healing purrs for Gizzy. Taps does that with our meowmize. lately he has been eating, but he has been wanting to snuggle with meowmize alot. maybe it's a old boy kitty thing going on. what do you think Millie?... Sia
ReplyDeleteWell, Gizzy, old boy, I hope you start to get better. You're worrying all of us! (using guilt here)
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need a harness so you can go outside everyday?
Sometimes when you don't eat for a bit, it's hard to get started again. Maybe your Mom can ask the stabby guy about an appetite stimulant for Gizzy. That got me going after I was really sick a couple years ago. And it worked on the Cat Who Came Before Me when she stopped eating for a bit.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's this goopy stuff called Nutrapaste that your Mom can get at the stabby place...just a little bit in Gizzy's mouth will give him lots of calories to get by on, if even for little bit.
Our hoomommy's leakin for you all, it hurts her heart to hear about a kitty in bad shape, and she's checking here every day,checking for updates and hoping Gizzy perks back up and has a long time to go before he goes to the bridge. He's the same age as Her Majesty, and we can't imagine her going yet, she's the BOSS and hoomommy's darling. Get better Gizzy, everyone would miss you so much if you went to the bridge!!
ReplyDeleteThe Feline Sextet
Oh our Mommie's eyes are leaking. We all hope Gizzy will be OK. Maybe he can go outside in a harness or stroller?
ReplyDeleteHearbutts and purrs for Gizster.
~ the 2 Bs and Mom
Oh Gizzy, it's me, Madness. I know I've not known you long, but please, please don't go away. You look like such a sweet mancat. And it looks like you have all kinds of wisdom to teach Millie (and all us other young ones in the blogoshere). We need you Giz. Please get better and stay a while longer. Chirps. ~ Madness
Gizzy you are a lovely old puss. I think Max is onto something. Ask your Mum to ask the vet if a course of Vitamin B12 (injections) would help you gain your appetite back. I've known it help many cats who have been poorly kick start eating again.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon Gizzy :) xx
Poor Gizzy. :( I hope you start eating again soon! It sounds like you had quite the adventure outside! Maybe you could go outside on a harness? My humans take me into the yard on my harness.
ReplyDeleteMillie, sorry to hear that you and Jasmine are fighting. A playmate sounds like fun! I know I'm going to get a little brother or sister when my breeder has another litter.
Sending lots of healing purrs for Gizzy and keeping him in my prayers.
Yoo knoos...I fink Gizzy furgot how to eat!! Maybe efurryone is right, if yu has to take him to the stabby place and get them to give him somefing to jump start his motor again.
ReplyDeleteWe sure hope Gizzy feels better soon. We is startin to werry...
& Gracie
You've got my SheBean all worried for you now, Gizzy. So you'd better get better. :(
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs for Gizzy! We hope you feel like eatin soon Gizzy. Maybe an appytite stimyoolant will help, like ofur cats said.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
We are so sorry that Gizzy is not eating. Maybe he needs a jump-start. Please ask the VET for an appetite stimulant like periactin. It might just get him going again! When some of my feline friends get sick and won't eat, that is what has helped them get going again!!
ReplyDeleteNow for me, I don't have that problem. LOL - Gizzy, please get better and stick around for a while yet!!
Oh Gizzy got quite an adventure going outside! Gizzy, make sure you are at least eating enough crunchies, I only eat crunchies.
My vet said sometimes cats get in the habit of not eating when they decide they don't like something so maybe an appitite stimulent is what Gizzy needs. Then maybe Gizzy will have more energy because he'll have eaten.
ReplyDeletePoor baby. Poor Gizzy's family. We're praying for a speedy recovery for him and hoping he takes his rightful alpha place again!
Hi Millie, I'm sorry to hear that Gizzy's not eating. Any more thoughts about an ultrasound for Gizzy? It doesn't require anesthesia and it might detect problems that don't show up in blood tests. What does the vet think? Keep good watch over your big buddy.
ReplyDeleteGizzy got to go Outside? How exciting! That was a really special treat. We're all purring and praying that Gizzy has more happy years with you, and we're glad that he's not sick or in pain. We think Max's suggestion is a good one, and getting a kitty for Millie to play with sounds great too.
ReplyDeleteGizzy, that's exciting that you got to go Outside. China Cat & I usually just go out in the porch which is kind of "out" - it is for us anyway! I hope that you will enjoy some food today??? I put your video back up to the top of my blog (It was still on but farther down.) to remind everyone to send positive purrs over to you. China Cat & I are sending lots and big {{{hugs}}} too!
ReplyDeleteYour Valentine, Willow
Oh, Gizzy, we are all worried about you. It is good that you are showing interest in things, but you really need to start eating, OK?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Gizzy would like a harness and leash, so he can go outside more?
Come on Gizzy my man! Start eating your food! Everybody loves you and wants you to stay around for a long time! Hang in there and Meowm and I will be purraying for you.
ReplyDeleteMillie darling, we all love Gizzy and want him to be well and happy, and there are purrs from all over the world heading in his direction. We don't know why he's not eating, but he doesn't sound unhappy, does he. Sometimes a kitty just feels he has to start slowing down, no apparent reason. As for "going" - why, Millie, one day we all have to go .... there's a wonderful place waiting for us, and it's called the Rainbow Bridge. It's not a sad place, it's where everyone is healed and well again - and although those who are left behind will have leaky eyes, those who are already at the Bridge really are very happy. So don't worry ... but you just do your best to keep Gizzy cheerful - and if you did have a new pal to play with, why that would be wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYeah, another kitty fur yoo to play wif wood be good. I quit bugging Zippy when Speedy came. We is still purraying fur Gizzy, we think maybe the appetite stimulant wood be good fur him. We're glad he's not hurting and seems to still do the stuff he likes. Poor old guy, he prolly forgot how to eet!~Sadie
ReplyDeleteWe are purraying and sending good vibes for Gizzy here at the Poiland Tribe home. We hopes he gets better.
ReplyDeleteCome on Gizzy, eat already. You're worrying all of us.
ReplyDeleteAbout all we can suggest is hand or even force feeding him.
Also, we second several other people's suggestion, about getting Gizzy a harness and leash. If you take him on a walk every day or so, perhaps you can exercise him enough to make him want to eat.
Puurrss and headbutts from all of us.