Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about MILLIE

Mom says I'm too young to have a regular boyfriend, but here are some gentleman-cats to whom I am attracted...
1. Beau
2. Dragonheart
3. Chase
4. Beezer
5. Jack
6. Luxor
7. Mattingly
8. Jazper
9. Timothy Dickens
10. Bubbles
11. Fat Eric
12. Derby
13. Zeus

Oh dear, I ran out of numbers! I still have more cats... There's Skeezix and Jeter Harris, there's Victor and Henry, there's Merlin and Dobby, there's Mr Hendrix and Mr Zenith, there's Oscar, there's William, and Rocky, and Max and Buddah... (I can't believe I forgot Max! He's practically my uncle)

(Jasmine is laughing at me, she says I'm so silly I forgot two very important things. 1. I don't know how to count, and 2. I forgot to add Gizzy to my list. I think I'm in trouble.)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Wow, what a list. We have our second TT list up.

  2. aaaw, that is a sweet list Millie. Thanks for remembering me. *blush* I'm sure when you're old enough for a boyfriend cat, they'll be lining up for you!

  3. wow, that's quite a list!!

  4. Too bad you couldn't do a "Thursday Thirty"!

  5. Mom says I need to learn the difference between a "friend" and a "boyfriend." Whatever that means. She says I am quite the flirty girl.

  6. That's a very nice list of (boy)furriends.
    Luf, Us

  7. Dat is a big list. We can be yer frends too if'n yoo want, but not yer boyfurrends, cuz we are bofe spoken for.

  8. Oh Millie, Bubbles is very honored to be on your list. He doesn't say much, is the strong silent type, but I saw his whisker bumps swell with pride. And I think I heard little purr when he walked off.

  9. Aw Millie, what a great list! I of course am very honored to be on your list. You certainly have good taste in boy cats. Maybe next year you can have a boyfriend cat.


  10. My dearest Millie. I am flattered that you admire me. But I have a girlcat furiend in Princess Mia Bella. We shall have to be good furiends. Purrs.

  11. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I am SO blushing...and very honored! That really means a lot to me, especially since you listed me first. Alas, I too have my heart with another. But, don't despair, there are lots of single, male kitties closer to your age than I, and that you would have more in common with. You are a very beautiful, strong woman and you will have no problem finding a boyfriend when the time is right.

  12. Millie, yer welcome to join my harem. I think thare mite an opening cuz DMM is tikt off at me for sqwatting on Skeez's tunnul box and givving him a manly scar. Are yoo a member of FOS? That's ware the spicy vixins git together win we're not in my tunnul box.

  13. deer millie,
    i am honored to be da number 15 cat on yer thursday 13.
    luv--yer frend--jh

  14. Anonymous1:17 AM

    that's a very nice list of gentleman cats. you're very smart not to list my brother Cocoa. he's just an annoying bouncy little fluffball and not a gentleman cat at all. how he ever got Angie to like him, I'll never know.

  15. That's a lotta boy poodies ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

  16. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Millie is the most photogenic
    kitty I have ever seen,
    I hope the Lady know how lucky
    she is to have this wonderfull
    little light of joy in her life.

  17. I'm honoured to be on your list! Thank you! My mom says I'm not old enough for a girlfriend either. I guess we'll both have to wait until we are older.

    That's a great photo of you! You look very beautiful in it. :)

  18. Dat is sum list Millie.
    We had better watch out when you get'll have all da boyz!


  19. Millie, when Victor finds out he's on your list, he'll spin with excitement. But from a practical standpoint, how could you manage to give all these boys the attention they deserve, or worse, the attention they want? I fink you need to choose the best and let the rest be furiends.

  20. Hey...what are WE...chopped liver! Hmmm...that sounds tasty...where's dinner?...

  21. Kimo & Sabi,

    Oh no! I forgot you two, too! Oh dear!

    You guys have the coolest blog. We check it all the time, even when Mom is in a rush.

    I have so many great friends, I guess it's a good thing I am too young to have one special boy-cat friend.

  22. So many man cats... so little time..Tara
