Saturday, February 03, 2007

A little snow

Update! It's about lunchtime now, and these are a couple of pictures Mom took of our neighborhood. She really likes that after a snowstorm the sky is blue and the sun is bright. It is a bit windy, so the wind blew the snow off the branches and the wires, so it doesn't look quite as pretty, but Mom says it's a really nice day.

It's snowing. I can't show you pictures because it is dark out, but it's really pretty. Mom says we have about three inches, which means if I were standing in it, it would almost reach my tummy. Eew! I don't think I'd like that.

Anyway, it's supposed to be REALLY COLD over the next few days, and the weather guys think it might go down to -3F (-17C) on Wednesday. This means the snow will be around for a few days, so I can show you some pictures.


  1. Can't wait to see the pictures, Millie! Stay warm ...

  2. deer millie,
    we hav had sum fabyoolus snow flurriez heer in noo york ... but nuthin'z stickin.
    yer supposed to get lottsa snow in noo hampshire!

  3. We had snow here too this week. We have really had a lot of snow this winter, but we need it. Hope you get to enjoy your snow.

  4. Maybe you Lady will take you out just long enough to satisfy your curiosity!

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I can just about guarantee that you would not like snow up to your tummy, Millie. It's cold and wet, two things that most cats do not like at all. Thanks for the pictures of the snow. It is pretty.
