Monday, February 05, 2007

Six Month Gotcha-versary


I've been here six months now, and I've lived here longer than I've lived anywhere else. I've got a Mom who loves me and two big cats to show me things and let me know I'm not Top Cat. But that's OK. I can run faster than they can, and I can jump up on things they can't.

I have a squillion friends all over the world. I've learned to play with Mom and let her pet me. I'm letting her get closer and closer, and the other day when Mom was sitting on the couch, I went over and lay down at the other end. Another time I was lying on the floor in front of the entrance to the bathroom, and I didn't even move when she stepped over me!

I welcome her back from her day hunting job, and I follow her around while she puts her stuff away. I let her know just where I want to be petted and rubbed, and she does just what I want. Lately I have been sitting on the back of her chair while she works on the silver lapbox. When she turns to look at me, I don't run away. Maybe someday I'll sit next to her. We'll see. I know better than to say I'll never do that, because once I said I'd never let her pet me, and you all know how that turned out.

I've had my ladygardenectomy, and I'm a lot more relaxed than before. Of course, I still pester Gizzy, and I still make Jasmine a bit crazy, but heck, I'm still a little kitty -- I'm not even full grown.

Mom says this is the last Gotcha-versary day I can celebrate until my One-Year Gotcha-versary, and after that I can only celebrate once a year. I wonder if she has any nice roast beast for me? And Temptations? And Cheese? Or maybe I will get some nice Beef Stinky Goodness. That's what I want. Some nice Beef Stinky Goodness.


Mom says I have to say "Thank you" to all the Poodins and their Beans who contributed to help get me off the street and into a wonderful forever home. This one is practically Purr-fect!


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Millie and Lady Mom,
    You are very welcome. Happy to help.

  2. Oh Millie! Happy happy 6 month Gotchaversary to you. You have come a long way! I hopes you get some Beef Stinky Goodness to celebrate!

  3. Millie,
    It has been very nice to watch you settle in to the life of a happy house cat. I bet you'll find even more happiness with the Ladymom and Gizzy & Jasmine.

    Ps. rubs and pets are just the best, right?

  4. We have loved watching you grow up pretty Millie. From the tiny frightened baby kitten crying at Malcolm's place to the pretty little girl you are now.

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Happy Gotchaversary! 'bout roast beast with cheese on it? and Temptations on the side. mmmmm!

  6. Happy Gotcha-versary Honey.

  7. Happy 6 months gotchaversary and many more to come.

  8. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I'm very glad that you have found a loving, forever home where you are happy. I wish you, Gizzy, Jasmine, and the Mom many more years of joy together.


  9. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Happy Gotchaversary, Millie. I have really enjoyed watching you grow and become more used to living with your Lady Mom. Maybe someday you will even be a lap cat. Laps are very nice.

  10. Hope yoo gots yoor beef! It's been a hoot watching yoo go frum wild and hurt to loving and happy. We're so glad Malcolm stopped fur yoo (and didn't stomp on yoor head).

  11. Happy Gotcha-versary, Millie! I'm so happy for you and proud to call you my internet friend (and Secret Paw, too!). I hope that you got your stinky goodness and a nice, long pet.

  12. Anonymous2:14 AM

    You've come a long way, kiddo.
