Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How to Make a Kitty Quilt - Step 3

Once the strips are cut, you sew them together. Mom sews a skinny one to a fat one to make pairs. But first she has to decide which to sew together. So she sets the two piles of strips next to each other and plays around with various combinations.
When she's got them paired off and she's happy with them, she starts sewing. She uses a 1/4" seam and some neutral colored thread (that way she doesn't have to change it for different colored fabrics.) She sews them all together, and ends up with a big chain of them like this, on the floor underneath the sewing machine.

Sewing Tip of the Day

Take good care of your sewing machine. Keep the bobbin area inside free of dust, and oil it regularly. If the needle hits a pin, replace the needle. Everybody always asks what kind of sewing machine Mom has. She just has a regular one that came from Sears 30 years ago.


  1. Your mom has a good eye for colour and patterns. Her combinations all look so good! :)

  2. All of those colors look so pretty in the kitty quilts. Our Lady likes learning how to make a Kitty Quilt - she used to sew alot but hasn't for a while.

    China Cat & Willow

  3. Mom has an old Sears sewing machine too! She used to use it almost effury day but now she uses it maybe once a mumf. She did make all da curtains and drapes in dis howse and dey are furry pretty.

  4. Hi Millie and Gizzy and Jasmine, too, yes, I agree, your mommie has a terrific eye for color and pattern and composition.

    Wonder how many more quilts she has to make????

    Hope Gizzy is doing better since the mysterious giant hairball incident!

  5. Our Mama hasses a Kenmore too from that place call seers. Mama dezined her wetting dress and maded alla stuff for the wetting to Prince Daddy. She likes to sew lots too but says she can't do it too berry much no more acause somebunny is always getting in the way, laying on the materials and sticking her paw where the needle is. I wonder who she's talking about????

