Friday, February 23, 2007

Family Friday

Mom's brother and his wife and daughter are visiting from Far Away. Brother and Mom's Mom are having a two-person Art Exhibit that opens tonight. It is a Big Deal. A Special Event.

This is Mom's niece. She is 9. She loves animals and was very interested in meeting me. We played for a while. She wanted to pet me. I was a little bit afraid, so I kept my distance. After a while, she gave me some Beef Temptations. Smart Girl. I ate them from her hand. Then she and Mom fed all us cats, and I let the little girl, who is not a noisy sticky little person, pet me - as you can see. She is very pretty, and very sweet.

Mom's not gonna be bizzy for Gizzy today. She has to shorten some pants for her brother, and sew the rhinestone buttons on the red silk jacket to wear to the Opening. Bizzy for Gizzy will resume on Saturday.


  1. That's wonderful to have such a nice niece visiting and, more importantly, giving you treats! We hope that the Art Exhibit will be terrific - our Lady's daughter is an artist too!

    China Cat & Willow

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    That was very brave of you to let the Lady Mom's neice pet you!! I only let my mom pet me, that's it - that's all!!!


  3. Good luck to your mom and s-i-l on their art exhibit! How exciting! The quilts are very pretty and you poodins are definitely helping a lot!

    Luf, Us

  4. How neat! A Opening to go to...that sounds very exciting . WE hopes you have a grand time.


  5. That girl does look very nice, and very pretty too!

    I hope yer Mommie has fun at the Opening!

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I guess we know the secret to your heart, Millie: beef! I hope your uncle and grandma's exhibit is a big success. Maybe you can sneak along and tell us all about it!

  7. We don't like strange people petting us either, but the girl looks furry nice, so it must be all right.

  8. Lady mom deserves a day off to spend with her family and do special stuff. Glad the little girl and you made furiends.
