Monday, January 29, 2007

A Three-Cat Household

Mom says we're not getting another kitten; that we're going to stay a three cat household. She says she hasn't got enough hands, or laps, or time to make four cats feel special and loved. And she thinks a fourth cat would make Jasmine go ballistic. Grouchy though I think Jasmine is, Mom loves her very much.

Mom went to Petco over the weekend and bought some anti-stinky stuff. She also got a black light. It was funny to watch her use it. When night time came, she turned out all the lights then went around on all fours with this funny blueish light. The stinky showed up as an icky green, and she found it in places she didn't expect. Her nose was wrong! (Gee, there's a big surprise) I will spare you a list of the places she found it, but she used up all the anti-stinky stuff and needs to buy more. That's another (big) reason we are staying a three-cat home.


  1. We are sure your Mom Lady knows what is best for your family. Out Mom REALLY does not like it if me do not use the litter box. So far we have been very good about that.

  2. Millie

    It am furry hard fur Mom's to keep up wif noo add-dish-shunz. When Gracie arrived it made 5 of us and it really changed fings round here. Momma lubs all of us, but sometimes we do test her pay-shuntz.


  3. Hmm, has Jasmine been back to da evil vet? Maybe she isn't just marking for territory, if dis just started and you've been der fur awhile. Maybe she is mad at Gizzy fur being yoor frend? It's o.k., yoo can always play wif mom and maybe yoo coul get some dangly bouncy toys to play wif during the day when she's not there. Then yoo woodent haf to bovver either of the old cats.

  4. I have never heard of a special light that shows where the stinky stuff is!

  5. Here's a tip - don't let yer mom blame all those glowing green sopts on you! That blacklight thingy picks up on jsut about ALL stains that are from organic matter (ie: food products) - spilled liqueds and other bean foods being dropped on the carpet - or even from the bottom of a shoe!

  6. Ohh, my mum is glad I only do "it" in my litter box or outside in the garden. She doesn't fancy having to crawl around with a blacklight!

  7. You guys must have done quite a job if she needs a stinky stuff refill!!

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    whoa. we hazzn't dun anything outta the litter box 'cept fur on day one when i pooped on the Allergic Girl's bed but that wuz cuz they just bringed us home an they didn't show us the box yet. we hope the stinky stuff werks. if it duz, we'll tell a human furrend 'bout it cuz his kitty has a little purroblem wif that.
