Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday without Lady Mom

Here's what Lady Mom's supposed to be hearing about today, in Texas at GWAVACon:
1. Running GroupWise in a Heterogeneous Environment
2. Defense against Microsoft
3. Exporting and Archiving a GroupWise mailbox
4. Consolidating GroupWise Post Offices and Domains

(Of course, the airline hasn't coughed up her luggage yet, so there's no telling what she'll do. The hotel gave her shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, deoderant, mouthwash, and a comb. We cats don't need any of that junk. She really wants clean unmentionables and clean socks. She says thank goodness for permanent press.)

After that there's gonna be a tailgating party and they will all watch the football games to see who is gonna play in the Super Bowl. Now, I don't know about you, but a tailgating party? Not on MY tail, that's for sure!

So what will I be doing today? Eating, napping, playing, pestering Gizzy, chasing Jasmine... you know, normal stuff.

And rooting for the guys named Pat.

*****UPDATE***** 2:36 PM TT (Texas time)
The airline coughed up Mom Lady's luggage, so now she is really happy. The little dog Missy came by again today and though I let Lady Mom's Mom pet me, I wasn't ready to make friends with the woofie.


  1. Yer Mommie must be very smart. I agree, no gating on my tail either.

  2. Tailgating ... is that when you refuse to move and a human walking with a fast gate stomps on your tail?? I hate it when that happens.

    CEO (Cat Executive Officer)

  3. Have fun while the Lady Mom is gone. Plus furry happy for her that they founded her luggage. It is nice to have clean unmentionables.

  4. Go Pats! Momma's Bears are going to the big game....she's hoping yur Lady Mom's Pats; get to go too! Gotta go watch the game wif her now.

  5. Happy eating, napping, playing, prstering Gizzy, chasing Jasmine..but remember don't get into trouble.

  6. Anonymous1:28 AM

    the airlines found the luggage during DAYLIGHT? our people's experience is that they only find your luggage at 3AM, but they make sure to call you and drop it off right away - yeah, thanks.

  7. I fink I hearded on the TB that the guys named Pat losted their game? I dunno fer sher acause I was bizzy sleepin in the laundry basket.

    We has a team wiff guys named Pat too. It is the Regina Pats and somebunny Mama knows says they are called Pats acause its short for the Princess Patrisha's Canadian Light Infantree and this Princess character was related to the Kween of Inglind. I asked Mama what THAT was and she said its berry berry braves peoples who goes away from home in a fing called the Arm-ee and that Mama's cuzzin is in the Princess Patrisha thingy n he was in Afcatastan I fink its called but he's safe at home now... for now.

    And our Pat guys lose alla time too, so....

