Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Story from Lady Mom

Tonight I got home from work and was greeted at the door by Gizzy and Millie, as usual. Gizzy chirps and tries to herd me to the kitchen to get his food. Millie dances around. I take off my hat, gloves, coat and boots. Both cats follow me as I go from room to room, closing the blinds and turning on various lights. I open the door to the hallway, go down to collect the mail, come back into the apartment and lock the door behind me. I continue through the apartment, closing all the blinds and turning on lights. I turn on the computer, and raise the temperature on the thermostat as I go. Jasmine comes out of the bedroom, where she has been sleeping on my bed, and waits on the dining room table. Then I feed the cats, hang up my coat and sit down to read the blogs. Jasmine comes to the desk and lies down near me to be petted. Millie usually stays away.

Tonight Millie jumped on the desk, but didn't get any closer. She jumped down, and after a bit I heard her meowing loudly in the other room.

Millie doesn't meow.

I got up and went into the other room to see what all the fuss was about. Millie was standing in front of the hallway door, alternately approaching it, scratching it and backing away, looking at me and meowing. I started to ask why, but decided to open the door. Gizzy came into the room at his usual leisurely pace.

He had followed me into the hallway and got locked in. He was never in any danger, the door is locked at both ends, and it's my private hallway. Moreover, he had never made a sound. It was Millie who knew he was in there, and was bothered enough about it to let me know.

I thought it was so charming.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Sweet Millie. What a friend to Gizzy she is. Wonderful story.

  2. That is very charming! I would like a friend like Millie! Tara

  3. such a sweet story. She needs to get extra treats

  4. Wow!! Furry im-press-if! Haf a good time in Dallas Lady Mom. That's where Grammie, Grampie, Mimi, and lots of ofurs live. That's where we used to live, afore we moved to Colorado.
    ~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy

  5. Good girl Millie! You let your mom know something wasn't right!

  6. you are such a good girlfriend for gizzy. You knew gizzy needed to come back inside. The Lady Mom is very lucky you were there.

  7. Great work, Millie! Such a good girl you are!

  8. Millie Wheel, you are such a great kitty (KC told me to call you that). Tell 'em you never meowed before cause you didn't have anything to say!

    I posted this below, about Dallas, think I'll put part of it up here, too, in case you don't read the old comments. Dallas is my hometown. You will be in Plano, which is just up Preston Road a bit from the Galleria and Valley View Mall, North Dallas, where I used to live. Lots of nice geeky places around that part of town.
    We're here in Houston now, about 300 miles south, near the Gulf Coast coast.

  9. Anonymous2:13 AM

    oh Millie, what a sweet girl you are to be so concerned about your friend! that's just adorable!

  10. Awww Millie, you care! Your such a good kitty!!!

  11. Milly you spoke up when it was the right time to do so. If my Gizzy was locked up somewhere I think I'd leave him there. Not really...........but sometimes I wonder???? He's the one that does most of the meowing around here and has nothing to say. Your a good kitty Milly.


  12. That was furry nice of you, Millie. When I've been locked inside the computer room, Lucky Charmz has sat outside the door to alert Mom to my predicament.

  13. Clever Millie! Well done.
