Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Psst... a secret...

the Lady here...

Yes, it's time for Millie to get her ladygardenectomy. Which means I have to get her to the Vet. Which means I have to get her into the cat carrier...

For those of you following along, you know that I can pet Millie, but only with one hand at a time, that I can't touch her feet, or her belly, and I certainly can't pick her up. And even if I -could- pick her up, I think my chances of getting her into the car carrier are nonexistent. You should also know that though she comes when I call her, she won't sit on or near me, and won't lean into me. She always makes sure she has an escape route. And she's so fast. And so smart.

Remember back in September when I asked the vet about how to get her there:

...As for getting Millie to the vet, he has the simplest and most interesting solution of all. "Start putting her food in a box, and gradually push it towards the back. One day when she's inside eating, close it, and bring her in. Any day but Saturday. We'll work it out; we'll give her an exam and spay her at the same time. This way she won't associate being handled with you." ...

Well, the time has come to see if that plan is going to work.

Last night, I casually placed her food bowl in the carrier, and she got inside to eat. Of course, she turned right around so she could face the exit (but with her food on the floor she had to make sure neither Gizzy nor Jasmine was around to steal it.)

Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Oooo...let us know how it turns out!


  2. Good luck! I LOVE the carrier. I hang out in there if the door is left open. Its warm and closed in and I just feel safe.


  3. Hello- I had this problem with Grendel- my Feral, about the same age as Milie.

    That feed in the carrier plan worked for me!

    This is what I did:

    I started feeding Grendel in the cat carrier all the time, with every meal (which included a morning meal) When the time came for Grendel to be spayed, I just quickly shut the cat carrier, and open the top of the carrier to remove the food bowl (She only had a few pieces of food before removing). I think that you can make the motions, and noise and put an empty food bowl in the carrier and it'll work, and than just leave it in the carrier.

    Just make sure you don't suddenly change routine. If you normally feed the cats at night, switch to mornings a week or two before Millie gets spayed, and then give her food only in the carrier.

    Good Luck!

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    oooh - good luck. we think it'll work though.

  5. This is getting so interesting. Love the way you are telling this, too.

    I think the carrier idea will work.

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Oh, good luck to you. Taylor gets in his carrier and sleeps in it, but Clay won't go near his. I'm dreading the day I have to try to get Clay into the carrier (Danielle said it's not easy). Also, will the vet keep her overnight and do the surgery the next day, since Millie won't be able to have food or water before her surgery? I hope that everything goes well. This is quite interesting.
    Barbie-Lou & Taylor & Clay

  7. I Like to nap in my crate too. Its near my food lady's desk so I can nap close to her. but getting me to go in there whe I don't want to .... that's another story. Maybe I would if she threw in some treats.
    --- Beezer

  8. Good Luck. I don't mine the carrier. I go right in. Just when I get to the VET, I don't want to come out!

  9. The food in the carrier trick sounds like a good plan. We have to back the cats into their carriers because they refuse to go in head first, except for Pumpkin. He's easy!

    We're also currently having a litter box problem but that's because Blackie is being treated for a bladder infection. She doesn't wait until she's entirely in the box so that her rear is still OUTSIDE the box when she lets loose. I'm glad there's a heavy sheet of plastic between the box and the carpet but it's still a pain to clean up. Hopefully the antibiotics will solve the problem.

    Good luck with Millie! Fingers crossed that this will solve your marking problem.


  10. Yes, spaying should solve the 'P' party. I just grab them by the scruff, put my hand under their butt/back of the thighs and drop them in. The only one who really puts up a stink is Zippy, and at 6 pounds she doesn't stand much of a chance of escaping. Good luck, I think the food in the carrier sounds like it just might work.
