Sunday, December 31, 2006


While the Lady was out hunting Year End, it snowed! I've never seen snow before. Gizzy and I were hanging out in the cat hammock, when I noticed white stuff falling from the sky. It's not like rain, because rain makes noise, but it was kinda like rain, because at first the parking lot outside looked wet. But then it looked silver, and finally white. All the tree branches were covered with white. It was pretty to watch. The little sticky people from next door ran around in the snow, making marks in it, and throwing it around.

I know cats in Colorcato and Whikeronsin and other places have had lots and lots of snow. We didn't get very much, the Lady says just a little more than an inch, whatever that is. When the Lady came home, some of the snow was stuck to her shoes, and it came off on the mat near the door. Here are Gizzy and I checking it out.

Snow is COLD! And it's WET! And it disappears fast when it comes inside. I think it's pretty to look at.


A little bit about Mr Karate...
Some of you have commented about Mr Karate. He is very very nice, and loves us cats. He is the Lady's son, and you can find out more about him here. He would never hurt the Lady, but I think he would hurt somebody who was hurting her.


  1. You got to PLAY in SNOW! That looks FUN. It will be almost 80 degrees here today.

  2. Wow, snow! We have never even seen snow.

  3. No snow by me now in Whiskerconsin. What we gotted on Dec 1 all melted. It is raining here today.

  4. No snow here in San Francisco!
    But we've gots fog. Which my person says creeps in on little kitty feet. Now, that makes no sense. I'm always being told to stop running around on my 'thunder paws'.

    I got an ice cube that fell on the floor once, is snow like that?

  5. It's cold like that, Beezer, when it melts.

  6. No snow where we are in Wisconsin. It rained, I think it stops now. I bet Mr Karate would hurt somebody who tried to hurt the lady.

  7. Wow, we haven't had any snow yet (mommy is happy about that). Maybe when it does she'll bring it in and let me check it out. Haf a wunderful New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Millie

    We are like's near 80 here in Florida. NO chance of snow. But den we do have furfriends in Colorado....

    Yours has really been an awesome year, hasn't it?

    Abby, Boo, Jinx, Ping & Gracie

  9. Whew - good to know that about Mr. Karate!

    We wish you a furry happy, healthy, safe, snuggly, flea-free, Temptations-filled New Year!

  10. We hafn't got enny snow. Just rain, rain an moor rain.

  11. o, Millie, snow. wow.

    i've never seen it, Bear has told me about it. my mommie had a job up north (outside of Dallas) and it snowed hard one year. Bear hated it. mommie loved it! her car tires froze to tha street.

  12. we live in the great white north and they call it that acause we gets lots of white stuff for maybe 90 or 247 days a year!! well, somewhere in between those two anyhow!! Right now, we have so much white stuff, its free kitties high!! we don't plays innit though, its cold!!


  13. I have a double layered coat that is made for fun in the snow, but even so, my paws get cold in it. -Shaggy

  14. Anonymous4:15 PM

    ooh, purrty. we wonner what it tastes like.
