Thursday, November 02, 2006

Up on the Counter

Today's petting time: 1 minute 20 seconds

It's fun being up higher than the big cats. The Lady puts my food dish up there so the big cats can't eat my food. I like to jump to the window and watch the birds in the trees outside. I also like to watch the water in the sink when the Lady hooks up that machine that makes lots of noise and soapsuds. It's interesting to see the different things she takes out of the cold box. Some of them smell enticing. Some smell yukky. Some just are yukky. Now don't you worry, just because it looks like I'm close to the stove in this picture, I have learned my lesson. I stay AWAY from the stove.

Oh yeah, now that I'm up on the counter, I'm a lot easier for the Lady to reach.

So she pets me.

So I let her.

So what.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Oh, Millie you have gotten so big! And it is great that you let the lady pet you. She is your Lady after all. Bubbles also gets his food on the counter ('cause Mrs. B is on a diet). And he finds everything Meowmie does very interesing and is always looking for places to climb on.
