This is me on the big table. The Lady was eating her breakfast and working on a number puzzle like she does every morning. You all know how big these tissue boxes are, so you can tell how big I am. If you biggify the picture, you can see Jasmine on the big chair in the room behind me.
Did you know that when the Lady told her Mom that she was going to adopt a kitty she discovered on the internet, her Mom told her not to do it; that it was a scam. That a bad man wanted to hurt her and was using a story of a kitty as some kind of bait. The Lady told her Mom and Dad about Malcolm, and sent them all the links to my story. The Lady's Dad called the V-E-T in Connect-a-dot and found out that I wasn't a story, that I was real. Then the Lady's Mom said, You can get a kitty at a shelter here in town, why do you want to drive so far away to get a kitty you don't even know?
The Lady said, "I want Millie."
The Lady's Mom kept trying to talk her out of it, but the Lady didn't listen.
She kept saying, "I want Millie."
I'm glad.
Dearest Darling Millie, I also thought that it was a scam when I first read about it. But when I read Malcolm's blog further and he had copies of your vet's bills I knew he was not a scammer. And look at you - you are definitely not a scam - a scamp maybe :O). I check your bloggie every day 'cos even though you are far away (I live in the UK) I feel very close to you because I know your story. Thank goodness for good people like Malcolm and your lady - and remember good people far outweigh the bad people
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad your Mommy did not change her mind. I think you have found the bestest home for you. You just have to look and Gizzy and Jasmine to know that this is where you are ment to be.
ReplyDeleteour mommy fought it was a scam too when she gotted an email 'afore she knowed about you. but then she realized that she usded to live right in that area of connect-a-dot and trixie and norton and ralphie usded to go to that same v-e-t hospital all the time.
ReplyDeletewe is glad that she didn't listen to her mommy. our mommy nefurr listens to her mommy eifurr. hehehe.
Wow! That is quite a story! I am glad your Mom got you!
ReplyDeleteYour story made a lot of people a little weepy. But now that you are with the Lady (and Mr karate) we are smiling a lot.
Sometimes you just know when a person is right for you. I knew right from the start that my person was right for me. I guess that your person knew that you were right for her. My person calls it 'trust' and says that there just isn't enough in the world to go around. But I think you got lots!
--- Beezer
We are glad that you found a good home. Some trips are for good things.
ReplyDeleteWe's so furry glad yer lady didn't change her mind bowt getting yoo, cuz uvverwise we wud neffur haf met yoo, an yoo mite not haf got such a loving furrefurr home wiv sum-one else.
ReplyDeleteAwww, that's sweet. Your lady must be furry nice. :)