Monday, November 13, 2006

A dull day

Today's petting time: two minutes, 15 seconds.

It was rainy and gray all day long. Even the birds found shelter somewhere. There wasn't much to watch outside (except the rain) and with two sleepy elder cats, there wasn't much fun to be had. So it was a pretty dull day.

The Lady came home, and I was so excited that I followed her all around while she closed the window sticks, turned on lights, and all that other stuff. She kept petting me as I moved with her from place to place. And I let her. I got scritches under my chin, I got my ears scratched, I got my butt (just above my tail) scratched, I got my head rubbed, and each of my cheeks got attention. She petted my back, and my sides. While I was eating she pet me some more.

She filled my new mousie with fresh nip. I've got her trained real good.


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Oooo its the chin that I likes best, oh and all the way down my neck. and the top of my head. and my ears and cheeks.

    But Hugs are awsome! You really must try a hug.

    Yeah, Millie we gots ta train our pets to just our liking.


  2. Excellent job training her Millie! You did it on your terms!!! It can sure be boring all day with sleepy cats when you want to play & have fun!

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Very good job training the Lady. Sounds like you've got her trained just right. We like being rubbed right between the eyes. You should try it.

  4. Great training job, Millie! Tuxie-tude is a winner :)

  5. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Excellent job little one!
