Friday, October 27, 2006

this and that

The Lady registered my own domain and put up a web page. You can go check it out here if you want. Here's something I don't understand. The cat's tail is supposed to wag. If you see it wagging, post a comment.

She also found an article in an online newspaper about a ban on black cat adoptions around Halloween. I was wondering if anybody had heard of this in other places. It is to protect black cats from getting abused. I never knew that black cats are adopted less often than other cats. I think black cats are very handsome (think of Buddah and the other Midnights). In fact, when the Lady was a little girl, she had an all black cat that was called Inky.

Here is a picture of me on the windowsill in the kitchen. I was chattering at some birds I saw in the big big tree outside.

By the way, I am nowhere near as big as Gizzy. He weighs 14 pounds, and I only weigh 5 pounds. I am a lot skinnier than he is.


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Wow, you are really tiny!

    I haven't heard about this ban on black cat adoptions, but I think black cats are very handsome, also!

  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Waggy tail!!!
    And our Hoomanmomma has heard of that ban before, specially in the big town where she works. But she sez she thinks it was only all-blackies, not mostly-blackies or even little-blackies.

  3. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I checked out the website and saw the wagging cat tail, Millie. I hope that you, the Lady, Gizzy and Jasmine have a super weekend.

    Your Friend in NoVA

  4. I see the cat's tail wagging. Sometimes when you add an animated picture to a website, if you've been working with it, you have to clear out your cache to see it work.

    SPCAs and other shelters have had bans on adopting black cats for yers and years--the Woman remembers if from when the Younger Human was about 3, and he's 23 now. There are some evil people out there and they do really bad things to black cats. This week they're keeping a real close eye on buddah, and on Halloween we get locked in a room so no sticky people coming to the house can see him, jsut in case they're with one of those very not nice peoples.

  5. I can see the poodin's tail wagging!

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Waggy tail sighting! :)

  7. It makes us all upset what some people will do to cats. I guess it's good the ban is in place. And I think your website is off to a great start!

  8. There's a ban around here, too. What really upsets our Mum is that some places won't let people over a certain age adopt as the shelters are afraid that the new parent will be unable to care for the pet. Isn't even a little time in a loving home better than nothing?
    We LOVE black kitties and think they're awesome!

  9. Anonymous12:03 PM

    We see the wagging tail!
    We have also heard about the ban on adopting black cats around Halloween.

  10. We can see the tail wagging too. And I love black kitties...except for the Evil Intruder Kitties in my garden...

  11. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hello, Millie,

    I saw the cat's tail wagging. I wag my tail too, when I chase bugbug, the laser dot. Don't you wag your tail?


  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Using Firefox and the kitty's tail was a-wagging.

    We don't let our kitties roam--2 are all black--but I'm extra cautious around Halloween anyway...just in case. I don't know if our shelter has a black-cat ban, though I have heard of them before.

    I wish they'd ban selling bunnies and chicks near Easter too.

  13. Hi, all the shelters around where I live have a ban on adopting black cats. Some rescues don't adopt at all because of people who "rent" a cat for a costume and bring them back or worse, don't.My mommy volunteers at an open admission shelter here so she hears lotsa bad stuff. She gives me lotsa hugs and kisses when she gets home and thanks God that there are good people who protect us kitties, love us and keeps us warm.
    I thinks all shelters should ban adoptions on black kitties around Halloween and agree wif Donna about no adopting bunnies and chicks at Easter.
    Mean people (and stoopid people) suck.

  14. Anonymous2:16 PM

    In the Nashville TN area you can't adopt solid black, solid white, or orange-striped cats from mid Oct to mid Nov. All kitties need to stay close to their people around Halloween! Sadly, there are some really sick people out there.
