Thursday, October 12, 2006


The Lady is done with her class. She came home early, but then left again and when she came back she smelled woofy. Her Mom has a woofy. It was nice and warm this afternoon, and they went for a walk.

Then she came home and fed us dinner and cooked something stinky to eat for herself. Gah-lic... Eeew!

Then she went in the sewing room and did some sewing on the new coat with the flowers. I watched for a while then came into the picture box room to rest. She says I almost look like a sphinx. What's a sphinx?

She says I can either Google it or look it up in Wikipedia. I could, but I'm not that interested.


  1. I dunno Millie but it rhymes with "stinks" so you better be careful. -Scout

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Your bionic leg must work pretty good for it to be sticking out the back like that!!

    I like to lie on top of the couch arms like that. Mom says I'm ridin' a Harley. Not sure what that is, but she always laughs!!

  3. o, Millie, u looks so comfy. i dunno what a sphinx is eiffer. i finks it means ur reely kewt 'n look comfy, u knows, like a sphinx. yea, that be it.

    my mommie nefer haf called me a sphinx, yet. i's work on that.

  4. I think you look cute looking like a Sphinx. Wonder if they all look black and white too. Goodness, Jasmine and Gizzy look almost like you. Maybe they are Sphinx's like you.

    My mom says she likes both of the jackets your Mom has made. She doesn't sew anymore. She used to make all her kid's clothes. I guess that's who visits here now and then. I heard her telling the neighbor one day that she made her two sons suits for their graduation and they can still wear them and one of them got married in his. I never seen her sew, maybe when I was little and don't remember.


  5. gah-lic? you watches emeril, too? we loves him, acause our beans has cooked lotsa the stuff he teaches 'em an' lets us taste. and we LOVES gah-lic!! TRY it, you'll LIKE it!!

    purrs from
    nels, ed, nitro, & xing

  6. I like Beef best. I can live without gah-lic and anshowvies and red pepper flakes.

    She watches Emeril sometimes. The Lady says if she ate what Emeril cooked she'd weigh a squillion pounds and have heart disease.
