Monday, October 09, 2006

Questions for a small mind... (mine)

Can you see the three of us cats on the Lady's bed? Of course you can't. Gizzy is the big lump between Jasmine and I. He's under the covers. Which is and isn't surprising. It -isn't- surprising because he loves being under the covers and often goes there right after breakfast. It -is- surprising because this day was sunny, and warm. So warm the Lady had the windows open. So why any cat would want to get under a down comforter on an almost 80 degree day is totally beyond me. (click the picture to biggify.)

Of course, why Jasmine didn't put up a fuss that -I- was on the bed is another question.


  1. We can't figure out Gizzy, but when we biggify the picture we can tell you & Jasmine are having quite the stare-down! Maybe Gizzy just didn't want to deal with it....

  2. I like hiding in the morning some times too, but I usually hide under the bunk beds.

  3. Do you know that when Gizzy and Jasmine fight it's JASMINE who wins? She can knock him down every single time. Or so the Lady says. I've never seen it.

  4. maybe 'acause Jasmine likes you now? I lay unner the covers all the time too - efenn when it's warm out - Miles

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I love this picture. Bubbles also likes to get under the covers, but only when it is cold. I think Jasmine is starting to like you.

  6. Sanjee gets under the covers with Mom when it's cold, but she snuggles on top of the covers with Grandma. Some things are just meant to be mysterious.
