Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pretty Millie

The Lady actually opened up a tiny can of stinky goodness last night for dinner. And it was BEEF! I love beef. She divided it up so Gizzy and Jasmine could have some, but they didn't get as much as I did. Oh, it was SO good.

She pets me while I eat. I don't mind. Much. She does this thing to my neck though, that's kinda nice... I purr when she does it. I guess that means she'll do it more often.

After dinner she got her spiffy little camera out and balanced it on a pillow to take more pictures without the flashy thing. I'm letting her get closer. But I keep watch and if she moves her hands too close, I move away.

Mr Karate came over, and I played with him a little bit. I didn't let him touch me, but I didn't hide either.

Oh, it's been a long day. I need a nap.


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Hurray for the Beef Stinky Goodness. Congratulations on getting the most. I think that pretty soon you may decide that being petted isn't a scary thing.

  2. Hi Millie,

    I'm glad to see that you are letting the Lady pet you when you eat. See pets aren't bad at all. :)

    Bob said to tell the Lady that if she clicks post and comment options at the bottom of the edit screen for a new post she can change the time and date of the post.

  3. You are beginning to trust your lady. Your picture is furry good. You should put it up for Midnight, Grr and Cocoa calendar. We is rasing funds with this.

  4. o, Millie, that be such a purrty piksure of u's.

    i posted my formerly feral friday post, too, 'n it wuz an xcell-ant idee.

  5. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Yea for cans of stinky goodness. Beef is good, but you've gotta start asking for PORK. Mmmmmm ... pig is good. If you can swing it, try for a slice of bacon (insert drooling here).
    Daisy Mae Maus

    Oh, and your photo is really pretty. Your chin is black and mine is white. Cool, huh?

  6. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Millie, I'm really happy to see you have ear tufts also! I thought I was the only one! You're pretty as a picture!

  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    My how you have grown! I love this picture of you. I reminds me of Mona Lisa. Your eyes seem to follow :)

