Monday, October 23, 2006

I got a present! I got lotsa presents!

Oh looky! I got a present. Oh, thank you Mrs B and Bubbles. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you SO much... Oh... oh...

I am SO excited. I am so excited, I can't hardly wait...

Oh, this box has such NEAT stuff in it...

Oh, oh, oh, it has... NIP~

Here is all the neat stuff in the box...

Looky! Gizzy and Jasmine are jealous.

Oh, this is so cool.. BEEF! Did you see I got BEEF!

I have a mouse that squeaks. And I have some cool scrunchy toys. And I have a hidey place.

Oh, there are SO many cool things to play with.

Thank you Mrs B!

Thank you Bubbles!

Thank you Cecilia!

I might even share with Gizzy and Jasmine. I might. I might.

Oh, I really like this mink mouse with the Nip. Oh, I ~love~ this mouse with the nip.

Okay, I gotta go... I gotta go play


Thank you again.

~~me again! The Lady wants me to tell you that I got my presents from Mrs B and Bubbles for being the 5,000th visitor to their blog.


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    We are glad to see that you got your package. We hope you enjoy your toys and beef. And you can share a little with Gizzy and Jasmine. It took Bubbles a little while to start playing in the cube, but now he loves it. Enjoy and thanks for visiting our blog.

  2. Wow! Lotsa presents! It's like Santa and the birthday fairy got together and esploded!

  3. o, wow, Millie, u's hit tha jackpot. looky at all tha stuff. must be squillions of neat stuff in that big box.

    that is too cool...u r very lucky, Millie.

  4. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Oh my, you're furry furry lucky! We have one of those hidey places and we loves it, you can move it all over the place!! A nip mouse and beef, too, have fun with it all! :)
    The Feline Sextet

  5. Hi Millie. I haven't commented really but I've been keeping up with your blog. I'm getting ready to update my own blog again finally. I just had to write today about all your great gifts. That's so great that you got them. That nip mousie is my favorite toy and we just had to get a new one because I bit the face off the old one. And Harlie and I just got two of those cubes and we LOVE them. Hope you have as much fun in yours!

  6. Wow Millie, lookit all the great stuff yoo got. And you look so big now, almost as big as Gizzy! Don't grow up too fast, being a kitty is a lotsa fun.

  7. You hit the gift bonanza! It would be nice to share with the other cats. Specially Jasmine, she won't expect it and that way you can keep her guessing what you'll do next.

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Millie, ur a lucky kitty! I gots some presents too. I like gettin mail! SO how do u like ur cat cube? I wants to get one of those..
