Tuesday, August 08, 2006

a "Thousand" Thank Yous!

Wowie kazowie!!! I just don't know what to say. I can't believe the number of cats and their people who have stopped by to express their delight in my good fortune. I am stunned at ALL of the heartfelt comments this little blog has received since it started.

I'm amazed. I was just a little homeless kitty. If I hadn't got hurt, nobody would have ever known about me. I would probably never have gotten a good home. I know this is a good home, a safe home; a home where I will be loved. I know I will get enough food, and care. I never expected to be this lucky. The Lady says if I were human, this would be like winning the lottery.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the wonderful cats and your people who got together to help me out. The Lady has a very close family. I think I have her beat!

Love you, all my new special friends!


  1. millie, since we're all rescued kitties, we know just how you feel, and were glad to help. we hope you will blog happily for a long long time! and come see us at our new blog, "Meowers in Missouri": http://nels-ed-nitro-xing.blogspot.com/
    (we don't know much yet, but we're learning).

  2. Dear Millie,
    Congratulations on your new furrever home. I have been wondering about how you were doing. When I think of you and your resue I feel both happy and sad. Happy because of the goodness of Malcom's heart and all who contributed to help him. Sad because of your mother kitty who never knew what became of you, sad for the uncared for kitties and especially sad that so many people aren't as kind as Malcom. I have two rescued kitties and although they do not see eye-to-eye I'm glad that they both have a safe and loving home.

  3. We love you Millie! Yours has been a charmed life, right from the get-go. :)

  4. The Mom says that things happen for a reason. Sometimes we don't understand the why but it's good to just accept it and enjoy it. You've got a good home now with people who love you and lots of friends.

  5. Millie - we was all rescued kitties too, so we knows how you feel. Finding the right furrefurr home is wonderful. Malcolm was an angel to help you when the bad fings happened, and now you has a furrefurr home 'acause so many people finded out about you. AND, you are furry purrty!

  6. All of us are rescue kitties and we think that is the best thing to be. Mommy doesnt buy purebreds (though she loves them) cause she believes there are enough poodins around for every one to love 2 or 3 at a time. Plus, she thinks that rescue kitties have the most personality cause they are so grateful (as much as a poodin can be). There is a special place in the afterlfe for Beans who help poor lil poodins.

  7. All my kitties were rescued kitties as well. I feel like the luckiest one though. My life would not be the same w/out my fuzz babies!

  8. We adore you Millie. We all feel like you are ours!

  9. You're very special, Miss Millie! It just wouldn't be polite to treat you less than what you are...special! ;)
