Thursday, August 10, 2006


The Lady was complaining this morning that she was losing sleep over me. How do you lose sleep? I can't find any of her sleep anywhere. I know she sleeps, I've seen her do it, so I don't know what she's complaining about.


  1. why is she losing sleep ofurr you? you're so cute, how could anyone lose sleep ofurr you?

  2. Sumtimes sleep comes out of my Daddy's mouth. When it does, it sounds like... Snnnoooorrrrr-tdpdttzzz!


  3. If you find some of that lost sleep, please send it to my Mom at catsnmom-AT-crystalsandjewelry-DOT-com. She's workin too much and isn't getting enough sleep, but I need all of mine or I'd be a cranky Boni. I may have to give her some if she doesn't start sleeping more tho. *sighs*
    ~~ Boni

  4. I think the Lady has been staying up to play with me instead of going to bed like she should.

  5. Our mom's hobby is napping. She's a blue ribbon winner there.

  6. We are all so happy that you found a lady that gives up her sleep for you. You are a lucky kitty.

  7. Hi Millie, You've been tagged! See my blog if you want to play!

    Ella and Fitz

  8. Millie, you are verry lucky to have found so many beans who love you! Beans don't need as much sleep as we do, so don't worry bout yore lady bean - just make sure you get all the sleep a growing kitty needs.

    Finny & Buddy

  9. Okay, I tag you. Come to my blog and see the rules.
