Friday, August 18, 2006

Jasmine: Protector of the Lady

Sheesh! Jasmine was mean to me this morning. After breakfast I was running around like I always do. The Lady was working on the computer and petting Jasmine. I was under the treadmill and Jasmine saw me. She hissed at me, and started to run toward me, but I ran away first (Jasmine is too big to fit under the treadmill). The Lady has moved some things so I can have what she calls "an escape route" to my special hiding place in the picture box room. Anyway, I ran there, and Jasmine went away. Then I came out.

When the Lady came to find me I was sitting on the kitchen counter! Ha ha ha!


  1. hahaha. counters are forbidden to us - are they forbidden to you too?

  2. We get to go on counters but there's usually nothin' interesting up there (ie: food). Sounds like you have some great hiding places & are a real speed demon. Must be the titanium!

  3. Ohhhhh counters are evil. That's where Mommy takes us to give us chunks and ofur nasty stuff. So we nefur efur tries to get on the evil counters no more once we learned that. All that's up there is stuff we dont like. Stay 'way from the evil counters, Millie!

    ~~ Sanjee

  4. Yes, stay away from the counters! that is where my bruvver Cheese found the poison (but mommy calls it chocolate)
