Sunday, January 24, 2016

Spiffy Sunday

Why this photo of my licking my mouth is so stupid looking I do not know.

Except that I'm watching my favoritest tennis player of all time, Roger Federer, win his match at the Australian Open.

AND, we did not get any snow! Woo Hoo!!!  It is so nice NOT to have to watch Mom worry about too much snow on the roof, shoveling the driveway or having to drive in the damn stuff.

I think I'm going to go have a nap.


  1. Concats to the Federer. We are suddenly all sunny today and we bet that makes fer GREAT snow pictures to be posted later.

  2. That's good Millie. As we recall, you had enough of that flaky stuff last year.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  3. You don't look stupid, you look cute! Lucky the snow missed you, we got about 3".

  4. Wow Millie - great pic of you. I nominate it as one for next year's calendar!

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. Go Roger!

  5. We don't think you look stupid and you got enough snow last year for several years to come!
