Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuxie Tattle-Tail Tuesday

Hey, um, I gots a secret. Mom doesn't like to think about it, let alone talk about it, but her day hunting gig hasn't been hunting so good and there's a chance it might stop altogether.

I guess being a small, privately held manufacturing company in New Hampster in this economy is more than just a little tough. She says the bankers hold all the cards. So can you please send some purrs up to New Hampster so her company can keep going and going and going...


Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Quilts

You all know Mom is making a quilt for Monty's new BabyBean (code name: Aiko) that is coming in September. You know that she made quilts for KidBean and SweetBean. She thought for Aiko's quilt she would get KidBean and SweetBean to help. She drew a bunch of houses and asked the kids to color them and send them back to us.

Over the weekend, Mom translated two of the drawing into fabric houses. Here they are, along with the inspiration drawings.

This one is by KidBean.And this one was inspired by a drawing by SweetBean.
You can see more of the houses Mom has made for the Aiko over on her quilting blog.


I'm still napping in the laundry Mom is (still) folding.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Mom did all kinds of stupid stuff yesterday. She sewed a curtain, made an apron, did all the dishes and laundry, washed some windows and watched the tennis. The good thing about all this is that she hasn't got any work to do on Sunday, and there isn't any tennis to watch, so she will have to take it easy.

Mom took the fleece blankie off her bed, and replaced it with a summer blankie. Then she washed the fleece blankie and folded it up to put away later.

I might have something to say about that!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Three Year Rescue-versary

Today is my 3-Year Rescue-versary!

Three years ago I was a feral kitten living in Connecticat, and I got hit by a car. I almost went to the Bridge. My leg was badly broken. I was stuck in the middle of the street and I couldn't move.

Malcolm rescued me, and later, many other cat loving beans helped with the green papers to pay the v-e-t to fix my broken leg. A couple of months later, I moved here to New Hampster, to my forever home.

You can read a short version here, and the whole story here. My story continues, and it's a -really- good story. You have all been a part of it, and Mom and I are extremely grateful. My life changed three years ago today. Mom didn't know it at the time, but hers did too.

Now I am a spoiled well-loved kitty. I am Top Cat, have a Mom who really loves me, a handsome mancat boyfriend, and friends all over the world. I get stinky goodness, temptations treats and I get to sleep in nice clean laundry.

And no cars to worry about! What could be better than that?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

Tomorrow is a very special anniversary for me. It makes today, Formerly Feral Friday all the more special. I have a great home with a good Mom, and lots of wonderful friends all over the world.

I'm feeling better today. I ate some stinky goodness and crunchies. I've been napping a lot.

The sun finally came out yesterday and it's been getting warmer. We had a big crack-and-boom storm last night I did -NOT- like, but Mom says those come with the warmer weather.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Third Black Belt Thursday

Here's Mr Karate doing Form Four. Mom was just out of range to get it in perfect focus, and she couldn't get much closer, but you get the idea.You can see Auntie Karate in this picture, too. She is just behind Mr Karate, under the red belt. Click the picture to biggify.

I didn't feel well yesterday. I hacked up a huge hairball and lost most of my appetite for the day. I didn't even eat my breakfast stinky goodness! I had a little bit for supper. I've been napping. Mom's keeping an eye on me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Black, Black, Black and White Wednesday

Later today, Mr Karate will be promoted to Third Degree Black Belt. In honor of that occasion, today isn't Wordless Wednesday, but Black, Black, Black and White Wednesday.

Monty, honey, you just might need your cushion!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tattle-Tail Tuesday

Mom put a placemat under my food bowls because she says I am a messy eater. Sometimes I take some stinky goodness out of the bowl and drop it on the floor and eat it from there. Mom says some of it sticks to the floor and is hard to clean.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Millie Monday

There is another tennis tournament starting today in Faz's neighborhood. It's Wimbledon, and it will be on TV.

Need I tell you which crazy bean Mom will be glued to the TV for the next couple of weeks?
Yeah, mine. This works for me though, because I can get lots of scritches from her while she watches. At least until she freaks me out when she jumps out of her chair when somebody makes a good point.

Beans are weird.

Go Roger!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

It's the first day of summer, and it's raining.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sew-Sew Saturday

Mom's sewing. That means nothing else is getting done. Works for me.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cat in a Box Day

Today is REALLY the International Box Day. As you may know, I am not a particular fan of boxes, so I looked through my old pictures and found this one of me in the box with the Christymas tree when I was still a little bit of a kit.
Happy Cat in a Box Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Mom's been sewing. I've been snoopervising. Last week I showed you four houses. Here are the others she has made since. You can click them to biggify.

Mom's having brain cramps trying to figure out what colors to use for the Ginger Cat that won the Gizzy Quilt Raffle. Rusty likes to sleep on a cranberry red chair and on the blue and green bedspread on his mom's bed. Ginger Cats... Your ideas are most welcome! Please leave them in the comments.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday SheBean!

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday dear SheBean!
Happy Birthday to You!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuxie Tattle-Tail Tuesday

I have a secret.
It's somebody's birthday tomorrow (the 17th). Not Monty's, not either of the KidBeans, and not HeBean. It's the person who made me this nifty bed, which I just love.

Shhhh... you didn't hear it from me...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Too Cute for the Camera on Monday

The party for Pip-pay was great. Everybody loved the cakes Mom and Mim-may made. When Mom got home we both had dinner (stinky goodness for me, stupid junk out of the crooked pot for her.) Then we watched tv. We watched a cake get burnt on FoodTV challenge and that made Mom laugh and laugh. I sat with Mom and got my scritches. Then we watched the Next Food Network Star. I had had enough scritches, so I watched from my new favorite spot on the couch. I looked so cute Mom wanted to take a picture, but her little camera was in the sewing room. As soon as she got up to get it, I moved.

So what else is new?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Pip-pay!

It's Pip-pay's 80th birthday today. Here is one of Mom's favorite pictures of him. That's the woofie, Missy, on his lap.

There's gonna be a big party today for him, and Mom is making -two- cakes. (One is gonna be chocolate, the other one is gonna have an angel in it. I don't think I would like that.) Mim-may is gonna make a cake of carrots.

I'm glad I get Temptations for my birthday.

Happy Birthday Pip-pay! You rock!

Friday, June 12, 2009

International Box Day

Sometimes I'm just too quick for Mom and her camera. I did get -IN- this box, but I got right back -OUT- again.

Guess who overslept an hour this morning because she forgot to set the squawk box? (Not me.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday - Still Blah Out

It is still rainy, overcast and blah outside. Mom has to go day hunting on Saturday again. Fortunately my hammock is comfy and I got a nice bowl of turkey stinky goodness for breakfast. Turkey is now my favorite, although I still like Beef Temptations best.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

We are supposed to have rain for the next four days.I know it's better than snow, but it still sucks.

I guess that means Mom will be in the sewing room sewing up a storm, for you-know-who's quilt.And if you don't know who, then I'm not telling.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Millie Monday

I love to play with this fleecy toy. Mom tosses it in my direction, and I attack it. I am very good. My favorite tennis player, Roger Federer, won the French Open yesterday. I do not think there is a Championship for attacking fleecy toys, but I bet I would be very good.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Three Cheers for Mr Karate!!!

This is Mr Karate, with his new cello, which he has named "Helen." (You know, she's the one who launched a thousand ships. Or so Mom says...)


Mr Karate has passed a big test and now he is a (drumroll please)....

Third Degree Black Belt!

Three Cheers for Mr Karate!
Hip Hip, Hoo-ray!
Hip Hip, Hoo-ray!
Hip Hip, Hoo-ray!

He will get his Third Black Belt in a ceremony later this month. Concatulations Mr Karate! Your Mom is really proud of you!

Me too!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy Birthday, Monty Q!

Today is my sweetie's birthday. I really love Monty Q, and I have gathered together a few special pictures for him. Here we are together in our traveling disguises. Aren't they just perfect?

You all know how much Monty loves my tummy, so I have chosen some tummy shots for him. Get your pillow ready, sweetie!
This is the special bed Monty's MomBean made for me in one of the Secret Paws. I still love it!
Here I am in my favorite napping spot.
Oh Monty, I love you so much! I hope you have a terrific birthday, get lots of treats and stinky goodness, and I hope the slobberhound leaves you alone.


Friday, June 05, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

It is important for all cats to patrol their territory and guard against intruders.Here I am checking on Mom's garden outside.

The noise upstairs yesterday was so scary that I stayed under Mom's bed all day and didn't come out until almost 8:00 PM. I usually have dinner right at 6:00.

What Monty Q didn't tell you yesterday was that KidBean graduated from Kindergarten.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Mom's kind of annoyed because I've been napping under the bed a lot lately, and haven't been posing for pictures. Oh well.

This is her new quilt. She is calling it "Laughing Out Loud." You'll have to read all about it over at her quilting blog. It's a long story.

She's enjoying watching the tennis. She's rooting for Roger Federer and Dinara Safina.

The new couch smells of Febreeze. Mom hates fake smells. Oh well.

KidBean got a postcard from Parker in O-hi-o. "Where's O-hi-o," he asked MomBean?

He got a postcard from Singapore, too. "Where's Singapore?" They now have a map.

Mom says allergies suck.

Mom is planning to work on the Gizzy Raffle Quilt this weekend.

The upstairs neighbors are putting wood floors in today. The lord of land called Mom and suggested she might want to move fragile items to a safer place, and maybe move some pictures that are hanging on the walls. Did you know we have over 50 framed pieces of original artwork hanging on the walls here?

I think I'll be spending the day under the bed.

OH! It's a Big Day over at Monty's house. Pop on over to see what's up. Mom says it's a special day for KidBean, but I can't spill the beans.

No, I don't get it either.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Tattle Tale Tuesday

As you know, we got a new couch. Mom says it is a sleeper couch. That seems pretty ridiculous to me. Any couch is a sleeper couch, as far as I am concerned.

You are probably wondering where the old foo-ton went.

Yesterday, when Mr Big and Mr Karate, Pip-pay, PlusOne and Mr Karate's girlfriend got here, Mr Big asked, "What are you going to do with the foo-ton?"

La Girlfriend asked, "Have you ever heard of Freecycle?"

Mr Karate said, "We don't need Freecycle, we will just put it out on the sidewalk, and somebody will pick it up."

Mom said, "It will be gone before dinnertime. It's a nice day, it probably won't even take that long."

La Girlfriend was skeptical.

So Mr Big and Mr Karate took it apart and set it up on the sidewalk outside. PlusOne was more than happy to sit out there holding a big sign that read "FREE", so everybody driving by could see.

(Have I told you we live on a very busy street?)

Before the guys could even get the new couch in the house, a car had pulled up outside.

"Is that really for free," the driver asked?

Five minutes later, the old foo-ton was gone.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Gizzy Quilt Raffle Winner

The winner of the Gizzy Quilt Raffle to benefit ML is...
Deborah P from California.

Deborah is a second-grade schoolteacher. Concatulations Deborah!

Thank you all for participating!

It's Here

The new couch is here.
I smell woofies. And Febreeze.It smells interesting underneath too.It'll do.

Mom and I will post the winner of the Gizzy Raffle Quilt later today.