1. The bowl on the far left is a bowl of water. Mom gives me a fresh bowl of water each day. (Actually I have several bowls of water around the place.)
2. The middle bowl has my crunchies. I get a bowl of crunchies for breakfast every day. Mom doesn't take it away. Since I like stinky goodness better, I am angling for getting it breakfast and dinner, and my strategy is to avoid eating the crunchies.
3. For dinner, I get a little can of beef stinky goodness. That's the third bowl. (Usually I eat the crunchies during the night, so my strategy isn't working.) I prefer Fancy Feast Beef Stinky Goodness. I don't like the sliced or chunky versions. I like the plain one. I don't like the expensive pet-food store stinky goodness either. Finally Mom's getting smart about it. She came home last night with a big bag full of the stuff.
One final note about the bowls. Obviously they are not your usual pet food dishes. Mom says if she has to look at them, they have to be pretty. So my dinner bowls are a nice collection of Japanese porcelain rice bowls.