Thursday, April 02, 2015

Thursday Three or Four or Five

Dear Cosmo, I am sorry to tell you that because there is still snow on the ground, that you are not this year's When When Winner.

Remember, this view faces East. Here is what it looks like when we look outside the windows at the other end of the house, facing the hill and West. The hill doesn't get much sunlight because of all the trees.

Looking out the windows from the studio, there is still a lot of snow there too.
These windows face South, but there are a lot of trees in the way.

 That's the kitchen window above that big pile of snow, and our side door just beyond it. The kitchen faces North, and this snow will be among the very last to melt.

Although the carport is no longer a car tunnel, there's still a lot of snow there too.

When will it all melt? I dunno. We'll have to wait and see!


Megan said...

Still a lot of snow - it's interesting to see how much less there is out the front of your house: the official When When view. Perhaps my May 1 guess might win me a prize for when the snow in your backyard melts?

Sydney, Australia

da tabbies o trout towne said...


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We thinks it could still be several weeks. Brrrr!

Monday walkers said...

Some of that snow looks as though it will stay there forever.

Noela Sydney Australia

Just Ducky said...

Once the official snow goes away, you will have to keep us up to date on these other piles too.